Η Gibbs θα κατασκευάζει το αμφίβιο Humdinga για τη διάσωση επιζώντων από τσουνάμι και φυσικών καταστροφών [w/video]
Η Gibbs είναι πολύ γνωστή για κατασκευή κορυφαίων ATVs και quadbikes, αλλά και για αμφίβια οχήματα.
Και ενώ οι περισσότεροι τα χρησιμοποιούν είτε για διασκέδαση είτε ως εργαλείο δουλειάς, μια πολύ σημαντική τους χρήση και για διάσωση επιζώντων σε καταστάσεις πλημμυρών και γενικά φυσικών καταστροφών.
Τουλάχιστον, αυτό κατάφερε η μικρή αυτή αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία, που έδωσε την άδεια στη Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd να χρησιμοποιήσει το αμφίβιο Humdinga για να βοηθήσει σε μελλοντικά τσουνάμι
Η συμφωνία έχει διάρκεια 12 ετών και επιτρέπει την ασιατική εταιρεία να κατασκευάσει και να πωλεί το Humdinga στη Νοτιοανατολική Ασία, με την STK να σχεδιάζει να τα χρησιμοποιήσει για περιπολίες, για άμεση και ταχεία αντίδραση, για διασώσεις έκτακτης ανάγκης, ιατρική διακομιδή και μεταφορά ειδών πρώτης ανάγκης και προσωπικού.
Το Humdinga έχει μήκος 6,5 μέτρα μήκος, είναι παντός εδάφους και μπορεί να μεταφέρει μέχρι μέχρι επτά άτομα ή 700 κιλά ωφέλιμου φορτίου. Τη κίνηση δίνει ένας υπερτροφοδοτούμενος diesel κινητήρας και μπορεί να κινηθεί με ταχύτητα μέχρι και 50 χλμ/ώρα είτε στο νερό είτε στη στεριά.
[Πηγή: Gibbs Amphibians]
Δελτίο ΤύπουGibbs Signs Agreement For High-Speed Amphibian Production In AsiaAUBURN HILLS, Mich., Feb. 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Gibbs Amphibians (Gibbs) has signed a licensing agreement with Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics) for the manufacture and sale of high-speed amphibious trucks in S.E. Asia.
The 12-year agreement between Gibbs and ST Kinetics includes non-exclusive production and sales rights for the Gibbs Humdinga – a high-speed amphibian especially suited for disaster relief and use by emergency first-responders. Equipped with a turbocharged diesel engine, the Gibbs Humdinga is capable of reaching speeds in excess of 30 mph on water and highway speeds on land. It is the only truck in the world that can go faster than 9 mph on water.
Gibbs Chairman Neil Jenkins said the company’s partnership with ST Kinetics was the first of several licensing agreements for Amphitruck products and technology that Gibbs plans to sign in the next several years. Financial terms of the agreement with ST Kinetics were not disclosed.
The Gibbs Humdinga is expected to strengthen ST Kinetics’ current offering of first-responder vehicles, including the ExtremV – an all-terrain vehicle designed for emergency rescues, medical evacuations and the transport of emergency supplies and personnel.
An ST Kinetics spokesperson in Singapore said Humdinga’s ability to operate on both land and water will be especially useful in mitigating the devastating impact of tsunamis and other flood-related disasters.“This new partnership represents a significant step forward for the future of transportation, as well as for Gibbs and ST Kinetics,” said Jenkins. “We’ve spent more than 15 years and $200 million to create an entirely new form of transportation, removing the age-old boundaries between land and water.“ST Kinetics has recognized the significance of this breakthrough technology and they’re poised to capitalize on the opportunity.”
ST Kinetics is the land systems and specialty-vehicle arm of Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering), one of the largest companies listed on the Singapore Exchange with more than 22,000 employees, and more than 100 subsidiaries and associated companies in 23 countries.
“ST Kinetics is pleased to partner with Gibbs to offer the Humdinga’s ‘smart’ capabilities for disaster relief and first-responder operations,” said Patrick Choy, executive vice president and chief marketing officer for ST Kinetics. “With the Humdinga, we have expanded our stable of unique and versatile solutions for disaster-relief and first-responder emergency vehicles.”
Graham Jenkins, public relations and communications manager for Gibbs, noted that the Humdinga is designed to transition from land to water in seconds and is easy to configure for both cargo and passenger use. It incorporates patented vehicle-suspension, water-propulsion and wheel-retraction technology.
“Our partnership with ST Kinetics is another major step forward in our plan to market high-speed amphibian vehicles of every imaginable size and capability throughout the world,” said Alan Gibbs, the company’s founder. “With the introduction of the Gibbs Quadski in 2012, interest in our technology and all our products continues to grow.”
Gibbs Amphibians is the world’s leading developer of High Speed Amphibian (HSA) technology platforms for consumer, commercial, humanitarian and military applications. Gibbs Amphibians is a privately held company founded by Alan Gibbs with Neil Jenkins in 1999. It consists of two divisions – Gibbs Sports Amphibians, which designs and manufactures consumer sports amphibians such as the Quadski, and Gibbs Amphitrucks, which develops commercial amphibians for first responder, humanitarian and military use. Gibbs Sports Amphibians is based in Auburn Hills, Mich. and Gibbs Amphibians is based in Nuneaton, UK and Auckland, NZ.
More information about Gibbs and its HSA technology can be found at www.gibbsamphitrucks.com OR www.gibbspress.com.
ST Kinetics (Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd) is the land systems and specialty vehicle arm of Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. It is one of Asia’s leading land systems and specialty vehicle companies, delivering smart engineering solutions since 1967 for the commercial, defense and homeland security markets. With more than 7,000 employees worldwide and revenue of more than S$1.53b in FY2012, ST Kinetics delivers products and solutions to end users in more than 40 countries around the world; helping to maintain the peace of nations and increasing the productivity of businesses involved in earthmoving, road construction and goods distribution. Please visit www.stengg.com.
SOURCE Gibbs Amphibians
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