Η Hartmann βελτιώνει το Mercedes-Benz Vito

Η Hartmann ποτέ δεν έκρυψε τη συμπάθεια της σε επαγγελματικά ή αν μη τι άλλου, “μεγάλα” οχήματα. Γι’ αυτό, η τελευταία της δημιουργία, είναι ένα Mercedes-Benz Vito.

Το μοντέλο που επέλεξε να βελτιώσει η Hartmann, είναι το 119CDi Tourer. Η ιπποδύναμη αυξήθηκε από τα 190 άλογα στα 224 ενώ το ίδιο συνέβη και με την ροπή –από τα 440 Nm στα 505-. Η αύξηση στην απόδοση του κινητήρα, οφείλεται στην custom

εξάτμιση με την διπλή, χρωμιωμένη απόληξη και στον επαναπρογραμματισμό της ECU.

Από εκεί και πέρα, ο βελτιωτής εξόπλισε το Vito με ένα διακριτικό bodykit που αποτελείται από προσθήκες στον εμπρός και τον πίσω προφυλακτήρα καθώς και πλευρικές ποδιές, ζάντες ελαφρού κράματος 20 ιντσών με ελαστικά διάστασης 245/40 και χαμηλωμένη κατά 30 χιλιοστά ανάρτηση.

Δελτίο Τύπου

For the very first time!Tuning premiere for the new Mercedes Vito customized by HARTMANN TUNING

The “very first time” always is something special to us, but even more for all romantics. This statement also applies to car-tuning-projects, and in particular to HARTMANN TUNING with their lovingly refined version of the new Mercedes Vito.

The new Mercedes-Benz Vito has not yet been exposed at the showrooms of the Mercedes distribution partners, still HARTMANN TUNING – the specialist for individual van rebuilding – presents the van in a remarkable, sporty, revalued style. That is truly fast! Special thanks go to the amazing accessories of the VANSPORTs styling line, because the new Mercedes van, which Daimler calls the best Vito ever, indeed appears to be in top shape.

The ABS manufactured VANSPORTS-VP-Spirit-Aerodynamikparts like front- and rearspoilers as well as sideskirts are not only produced for extremely accurate fitting but for a striking look too. Viva Vito! But despite this high-tech state-of -the-art: the Vito has to be lowered! Therefore the VANSPORTS suspension (minus 30 mm) brings the vito body closer to the asphalt. The widened wheel houses, filled with racy “Navik 1″-wheels measuring 8.5 x 20 and 245 / 40 sports tyres, underline the sporty message of the dynamic design language.

The new Mercedes-Benz Vito of HARTMANN TUNING blows the emissions out of its two 88 x 74-mm chrome-exhaust-pipes. Style and sound are truly great, but this is by far not all. Because by means of the various power-packages which HARTMANN TUNING offers, the driving-performance can be boosted too. For example the Mercedes Vito 119 CDi Tourer presented here puts out 224 horse power (nominal stock power; 190 HP) and develops an impressive maximum torque of 505 Nm (stock: 440 Nm). Responsible for the improved engine-performance is an additional control device with easy plug-and-play-functionality.

The driver’s cab is enhanced with luxurious piano lacquer surfaces, floor mats and aluminium door sill panels with HARTMANN TUNING-logo.No question: The “very first time” makes a deep impression, even on the second sight. And unlike interpersonal relationships the fascination and excitement of the Mercedes Vito by HARTMANN TUNING will last forever.

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