Η Honda ανακαλεί για τρίτη φορά αυτοκίνητα με DCT κιβώτιο
Η Honda ανακοίνωσε σήμερα την ανάκληση 81.353 αυτοκινήτων με 7-τάχυτα κιβώτια διπλού συμπλέκτη, λόγω προβλήματος στο λογισμικό που τα ελέγχει. Το συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα, που εμφανίστηκε σε Fit Hybrid και Vezel Hybrid Ιαπωνικής κατασκευής, από τον Ιούλιο του 2013 έως τον Φεβρουάριο του 2014, φαίνεται ότι είναι
Η Honda είχε ήδη 2 ανακλήσεις παραπλήσιας μορφής τον Οκτώβριο και τον Δεκέμβριο, αλλά το κάθε πρόβλημα στο λειτουργικό του κιβωτίου φαίνεται να είναι διαφορετικό. Μέχρι να διορθωθεί το πρόβλημα, η Ιαπωνική εταιρία σταμάτησε τις παραδώσεις των συγκεκριμένων μοντέλων είτε από τα εργοστάσιά της στις αντιπροσωπίες, είτε από τις αντιπροσωπίες στους πελάτες της.
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την ανάκληση των δύο ολοκαίνουριων μοντέλων της Honda, διάβασε το δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.
[Πηγή: Honda]
Δελτίο ΤύπουFebruary 10, 2014
Recall of All-New Fit Hybrid and Vezel HybridTOKYO, Japan, February 10, 2014 – Honda Motor Co., Ltd. today announced a voluntary recall of the all-new Fit Hybrid and Vezel Hybrid produced in Japan from July 2013 through February 2014 due to a problem with the software program controlling the 7-speed dual clutch transmission (DCT) which could cause a delay in the ability to begin driving or the inability to move at all. Honda today notified the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of the recall with a total recall population of 81,353 units.
Honda conducted two recalls in October and December 2013 due to a defect with the software program controlling the 7-speed DCT which could have caused a delay in the ability to drive the vehicle or the inability to drive. This will be the third recall related to the defect of the 7-speed DCT. (Each recall was due to a different cause.)
Honda sincerely regrets causing this considerable inconvenience to its customers due to the fact that the defect was not discovered during the development and product quality verification processes prior to the introduction of a new technology to the market and the defective product quickly came to market. Moreover, despite the fact that all relevant divisions at Honda worked together earnestly to solve this market quality defect, Honda deeply regrets that the effectiveness of the countermeasures was not adequately verified.
As the remedy, starting today, Honda will first check each DCT’s gear change history. For vehicles with a gear change history that indicates the non-engagement of gears, Honda will replace the DCT component in order to mitigate against the possible damage to internal parts of the DCT and then change the control software program. Honda is planning to begin installing the new control program on February 21, 2014. For vehicles with a gear change history that does not indicate non-engagement of gears, we will provide advice for the use of vehicles as an interim step and begin changing the software control program (on February 21, 2104).
Honda has suspended the delivery of all affected models, currently being produced at Yorii Plant of Saitama Factory and Suzuka Factory, until the installation of the new software program is completed. Moreover, Honda took the necessary actions to suspended customer delivery of affected models that are already located at Honda dealerships until the installation of the new program is completed.
Honda deeply regrets the considerable inconvenience experienced by its customers and other affected parties less than six months from the introduction of these models. While making exhaustive efforts to prevent the recurrence of the problem, Honda asks customers and other affected parties for their understanding and cooperation at this time.
About the DCT-related recalls/service campaigns< 1st time: Recall notified on October 24, 2013 >Due to an incorrect software program for the DCT control computer, some vehicles equipped with the 7-speed DCT could have experienced a blinking of the transmission warning lamp, the display of the service notification indicator on the meter display, an inability to start driving when first gear does not engage and the ability to drive only with odd-numbered gears when second gear does not engage.* The total number of vehicles subject to this recall was 4,883 units. (All-new Fit Hybrid)
< 2nd time: Service campaign notified on December 20, 2013 >Due to an incorrect software program for the DCT control computer, some vehicles equipped with the 7-speed DCT could have experienced the non-engagement of gears, a delay in the ability to begin driving, the blinking of the transmission warning lamp, and the display of the service notification indicator on the meter display.* The total number of vehicles subject to this recall was 36,100 units. (All-new Fit Hybrid)* Together with this service campaign, Honda notified a recall for the following reasons.
The incorrect program for the engine control unit (ECU) could have caused unstable engine rotations and engine stall.The incorrect program for the transmission driver unit (TDU) could have prevented the ability to drive the vehicle from a parked position.The incorrect program for the hydrostatic clutch actuator (HCA) could have prevented the vehicle from moving forward or backward.< This time: Recall notified on February 10, 2014 >Due to the non-engagement of first gear, some vehicles equipped with the 7-speed DCT may experience the failure to begin driving, backward rolling on an incline, and a failure to accelerate. Affected vehicles may take extra time to re-accelerate or to begin driving. The recall population includes vehicles that were subject to the first and second market actions.
* The number of vehicles subject to this recall by model:
Model nameNumber of unitsAll-new Fit Hybrid70,929 unitsVezel Hybrid10,424 unitsTotal81,353 units- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις Κατηγορίας Αυτοκίνητο
- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις AutoBlog

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