Η Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG παρουσιάστηκε στο παιχνίδι Driveclub του PlayStation 4, ο Dieter Zetsche CEΟ της έως και το 2016

Χθες το βράδυ η Sony παρουσίασε τα χαρακτηριστικά του PlayStation 4 και μαζί με αυτό η Mercedes-Benz έδωσε τι πρώτη φωτογραφία της Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG το οποίο θα υπάρχει στο παιχνίδι Driveclub.

Ντεμπούτο θα κάνει στην έκθεση της Νέας Υόρκης στα τέλη Μαρτίου, με την CLA45 AMG, να βρίσκεται στο παιχνίδι

Driveclub, μαζί με αρκετά ακόμη αυτοκίνητά της Mercedes, όπως η A45 AMG.

H CLA45 AMG θα φορά και αυτή τον τετρακύλινδρο 2,0-λιτρο turbo κινητήρα απόδοσης 360 ίππων με 450 Nm ροπής. Θα συνδυάζεται με ένα 7-τάχυτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο με τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα να τα κάνει σε περίπου 5 δευτερόλεπτα με την τελική ταχύτητα να περιορίζεται ηλεκτρονικά στα 250 χλμ/ώρα.

Ο ίδιος κινητήρας θα τοποθετηθεί και στην GLA45 AMG, η οποία θα παρουσιαστεί στην έκθεση της Φρανκφούρτης τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2013, ενώ τον Μάρτιο του 2014 θα παρουσιαστεί και η CLA45 AMG Shooting Brake.

Στις σχετικές ειδήσεις, η Daimler ανακοίνωσε ότι ο Dieter Zetsche θα συνεχίσει να είναι CEO, πρόεδρος της και επικεφαλής της Mercedes-Benz για τουλάχιστον τρία χρόνια ακόμη, έως τις 31 Δεκεμβρίου του 2016, ενώ και ο Thomas Weber θα εξακολουθεί να βρίσκεται στη θέση του στο διοικητικό συμβούλιο της Daimler και στο τμήμα ανάπτυξης της Mercedes-Bennz έως τις 31 Δεκεμβρίου του 2016. Την 1η Απριλίου του 2013, ο Andreas Renschler θα αναλάβει την ευθύνη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου Διαχείρισης των επιβατικών και επαγγελματικών οχημάτων της Mercedes-Benz.

[Πηγή: Mercedes-Benz, Sony, Autocar]

Δελτίο Τύπου

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. presents Driveclub for the newly announced Playstation 4

Mercedes-Benz CLA 45 AMG and A 45 AMG in new Driveclub™ racing game

Stuttgart/New York. In New York yesterday, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) presented Driveclub a brand new racing franchise developed exclusively for Playstation 4 by Evolution Studios. The car line-up in this pioneering game, which conveys better than ever before the heart and soul of motor racing and the passion it inspires, includes several exceptional sports cars from Mercedes-Benz – first and foremost among them the new CLA 45 AMG and the new A 45 AMG. Both these high-performance vehicles will be celebrating their real-world premiere in March 2013. Driveclub and the new Playstation 4 console will be launching this holiday season.

Playstation 4 is SCEI’s next generation computer entertainment system that redefines rich and immersive gameplay with powerful graphics and speed, intelligent personalisation, deeply integrated social capabilities, and innovative second-screen features. Driveclub is the perfect fit for the lifestyle of the next generation of PlayStation gamers: an exhilarating, visceral and highly socially connected racing experience that showcases the immense capabilities of Playstation 4. Driveclub is a networked game to be played in real clubs, encouraging players to team up and to collaborate and compete with one another while experiencing the thrill of driving the best cars in the world, on the best roads in the world. The audiovisual quality of the cars and the tracks is staggering, and the view from the cockpit is absolutely true to life, immersing the player in every race and recreating the power and the drama that they would feel if they were actually sitting in the driver’s seat.

As well as the CLA 45 AMG and the A 45 AMG, further vehicles with the three-pointed star will join Driveclub.

Firing up the world’s most powerful four-cylinder production engine

In March the A 45 AMG will be presented at the Geneva auto show. With this new family member Mercedes-AMG will for the first time be offering a high-performance vehicle in the compact class segment. The AMG-Version of the new four-door Coupé, the CLA, is celebrating its world premiere in New York. With a peak output of 265 kW (360 hp) and a maximum torque of 450 newton metres, their turbocharged AMG 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine is the world’s most powerful four-cylinder power unit in series production. The power density of 133 kW (181 hp) surpasses even that of the most powerful super sports cars. At the same time they excel with outstanding efficiency, while also meeting the EU6 emissions standard. The A 45 AMG and the CLA 45 AMG are equipped as standard with the fully variable, performance-oriented AMG 4MATIC all-wheel-drive system.


Supervisory Board of Daimler AG extends contracts of Dr. Dieter Zetsche and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber; Exchange of Board of Management responsibilities between Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard and Andreas Renschler.

Three-year extensions for Dr. Zetsche and Prof. Weber until December 31, 2016As of April 1, 2013: Andreas Renschler to be responsible for Production and Purchasing Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars and Vans, Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard to be responsible for Daimler TrucksDr. Manfred Bischoff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG: “With today’s extensions of the contracts of Dieter Zetsche and Thomas Weber, we are maintaining the important continuity at the top executive level.”

Stuttgart – In its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG passed a unanimous resolution to extend the contract of service of Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars, until December 31, 2016. The contract of service of Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, Board of Management Member for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development, was also extended until December 31, 2016.

As of April 1, 2013, Andreas Renschler will assume Board of Management responsibility for production and purchasing of Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars & Mercedes-Benz Vans. At the same time, Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard will assume Board of Management responsibility for Daimler Trucks.

Dr. Dieter Zetsche has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG since December 16, 1998 and its Chairman since January 1, 2006. He is also Head of the Mercedes-Benz Cars division.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG since January 1, 2004 and is responsible for Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars Development.

Andreas Renschler has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Daimler Trucks since October 1, 2004. Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard has been a member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Operations Mercedes-Benz Cars since February 18, 2010.

Dr. Manfred Bischoff: “The long-term orientation of the Group’s leadership is an essential factor for Daimler’s sustained success. With today’s extensions of the contracts of Dieter Zetsche and Thomas Weber, we are maintaining the important continuity at the top executive level.”

“Dieter Zetsche and the Board of Management have a clear plan how to further enhance Daimler’s overall performance together with their team. Dieter Zetsche is distinguished of course by his great experience, but also by his ability to combine a feeling for cars with sound engineering knowledge and an entrepreneurial approach,” continued Dr. Bischoff.

“Research and development are two key areas in the automobile industry. I am therefore delighted that we will continue the successful collaboration with Thomas Weber. He will steadily continue to maintain Daimler’s claim to technological leadership,” stated Dr. Bischoff.

“Wolfgang Bernhard and Andreas Renschler are two highly experienced members of Daimler’s Board of Management. With this change, they will both be able to utilise their management know-how from their previous responsibilities within in their new functions, thus expanding their own expertise in all automobile areas” explained Dr. Bischoff.

The contracts of service of Dr. Zetsche and Prof. Dr. Weber would otherwise have expired in December 2013. In accordance with Section 84 Subsection 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and with the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Daimler AG, the Supervisory Board passes a resolution on reappointments to the Board of Management at the beginning of the last year of a member’s current period of office.

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