Η Porsche δίνει bonus €8.911 στους υπαλλήλους της

Το 2015 ήταν η πιο επιτυχημένη χρονιά στην ιστορία της Porsche μιας και πούλησε 225.121 αυτοκίνητα, βλέποντας τα ταμεία της να γεμίζουν με 3,4 δισ. ευρώ (+25% σε σχέση με το 2014). Έτσι αποφάσισε να δώσει bonus 8.911 ευρώ σε όλους τους υπαλλήλους της, οι οποίοι φτάνουν τους 15.600.

Το bonus είναι μεγαλύτερο από αυτό που είχε δώσει πέρυσι η εταιρία σε 14.600 υπαλλήλους της, το οποίο είχε

φτάσει τα 8.600 ευρώ.

Δελτίο Τύπου

Special bonus of 8,911 euros for Porsche employees

Sports car maker pays reward for best business year on record in 2015

Stuttgart. After the most successful year in the company’s history, employees of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG are receiving a voluntary bonus with a gross total of 8,911 euros. The Executive Board and the General Works Council of the company have reached an agreement to this effect. The bonus contains two components: 8,211 euros are being paid on account of the positive company results and for the special achievements of the workforce during the past financial year of 2015. 700 euros are available as a special contribution to the Porsche VarioRente pension scheme or to individual retirement provisions.

During the 2015 business year, the sports car maker increased deliveries by 19 per cent compared with 2014, to 225,121 vehicles. Revenue rose by one quarter to just under 21.5 billion euros and operating profit also increased by a quarter to 3.4 billion euros. The special bonus for 2015 will be paid out to some 15,600 employees of Porsche AG, adapted to their individual working hours and length of service as of last year.

For Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG, the level of the payment is the logical consequence of a remarkable team performance: “The bonus is the justly deserved reward for the great commitment shown by our employees. My special thanks go out to them, because their knowledge and their dedication have contributed to our achieving such an exceptional result in what is by no means an easy environment.”

Chairman of the General Works Council Uwe Hück commented as follows: “There’s probably nobody who expected this and hardly anyone would have dared hope for a result like this. But our people have done a good job, haven’t they? That’s why I’ve been happy to have the matter out with the Executive Board and take a few symbolic bruises. I don’t mind that at all if, in return, our colleagues receive an exceptional special bonus. Despite the scars, I would like to say thank you to the Executive Board on behalf of the entire workforce! I’m proud of everyone. And what I like particularly is that really everyone employed under the collective pay agreement benefits from the bonus – regardless of whether they work in production or in an internal service division, whether they work as clerks or engineers.”

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