Η Porsche έκανε και το 2014 ρεκόρ πωλήσεων
Η Porsche για τέταρτη συνεχόμενη χρονιά έκανε νέο ρεκόρ πωλήσεων, πουλώντας, μέσα στο 2014, 189.850 αυτοκίνητα, αύξηση 17% σε σχέση με το 2013. Μόνο τον Δεκέμβριο, η Porsche πούλησε 20.644 αυτοκίνητα (+39%), με την 911 να πουλά περισσότερα από 30.000 μονάδες μέσα στο 2014, ενώ η Macan μετρά ήδη 45.000 πωλήσεις. Οι πωλήσεις της Panamera αυξήθηκαν κατά 13% σε σχέση με το 2013, ενώ και αυτές της Cayenne
H Porsche έχει βάλει ως στόχο τις 200.000 πωλήσεις το 2015, ελπίζοντας θα διατηρήσει την αποκλειστικότητα των μοντέλων της.
Παραδόσεις PORSCHE AGΔεκέμβριοςΙανουάριος- Δεκέμβριος20142013Διαφορά (%)20142013Διαφορά (%)Παγκοσμίως20,64414,85539.0189,849162,14517.1Ευρώπη6,3395,01826.360,80551,04919.1Γερμανία1,6201,42813.423,84120,63815.5Αμερική4,1623,9006.755,81149,56212.6Η.Π.Α3,2753,2460.947,00742,32311.1Ασίας Ειρηνικού, Αφρικής και Μ. Ανατολής10,1435,93770.873,23361,53419.0Κίνα6,4273,31294.146,93137,42525.4Δελτίο ΤύπουIn 2014, Porsche delivered worldwide 189,850 cars to customers
75 per cent of Macan customers are new customers
Stuttgart. In 2014, Porsche AG delivered 189,850 new cars to customers all over the world – an increase of 17 per cent over the previous year. In December 2014, the Stuttgart sports car manufacturer also broke the 20,000 unit barrier (+39 % compared to the same month the previous year) by delivering 20,644 cars for the first time in one month. The new Cayenne generation in particular experienced strong demand in China in the reporting month: over 6,400 units mean that deliveries almost doubled compared to December 2013.
“For the fourth record year in a row there are very specific reasons: fascinating products and highly motivated employees,” said Bernhard Maier, Member of the Executive Board Sales and Marketing of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. “On top of that, our brand experienced an additional upswing in 2014 as a result of the successful launch of the Macan. Worldwide, seventy-five per cent of Macan customers were first-time buyers of a Porsche car.”
In 2014, Porsche sold more cars in all regions and on all markets. The United States ranked number one with over 47,000 new cars delivered. The Chinese market recorded the largest growth with an increase of 25 per cent to exactly 46,931 units delivered. On the domestic market in Germany, almost 24,000 customers opted for a Porsche model, more than ever before.
The Porsche Macan, the new sporty compact SUV, was especially popular in the world in 2014 and the fifth model series sold about 45,000 units in the first year of its launch. The Stuttgart sports car manufacturer delivered 13 per cent more Panamera sports saloons than in the previous year. With over 30,000 units of the 911 sold, the sports car icon also ranks above the figures for the previous year.
- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις Κατηγορίας Αυτοκίνητο
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