Η Volkswagen αναφέρει ρεκόρ κερδών κυρίως λόγω των πωλήσεων της Audi και της Porsche

13:11 2/3/2015 - Πηγή: AutoBlog

Αν έχεις πουλήσει περισσότερα από 10 εκατ. αυτοκίνητα μέσα σε έναν χρόνο, τότε θεωρείς πως τα κέρδη θα είναι εξίσου αυξημένα, αλλά για το VW Group τα νούμερα δεν λένε ακριβώς την αλήθεια. Ο Γερμανικός κολοσσός πέτυχε ρεκόρ κύκλου εργασιών το 2014 με το επιβλητικό νούμερο των 202,5 δισ. ευρώ, αύξηση 5,5 δισ, ευρώ, με το νούμερο αυτό να εξηγείται από την αύξηση του αριθμού των πωληθέντων Audi

και Porsche. Μόνο η Porsche είδε τα της κέρδη το 2014 να φτάνουν τα 3 δισ. ευρώ, υπερβαίνοντας τις προηγούμενες προσδοκίες της.

Σε ότι αφορά τα λειτουργικά έσοδα, αυτά αυξήθηκαν κατά 1 δισ. ευρώ, φτάνοντας στα 12,7 δισ, με τα κέρδη προ φόρων να ανέρχονται στα 14,8 δισ. ευρώ (12,4 δισ. το 2013), και μετά φόρων 11,1 δισ. ευρώ (9,1 δισ, το 2013). Το VW Group αναμένει πως το 2015 θα είναι μια δύσκολη χρονιά, με τα έσοδα να αυξάνονται πιθανώς κατά 4%, αλλά τα κέρδη της θα μπορούσαν να μειωθούν. Η καθαρή ρευστότητα αυξήθηκε στα 17,6 δισ. ευρώ (16,9 δισ. το 2013), με το μέρισμα ανά μετοχή να ανέρχεται στα 4,8 ευρώ και ανά 4,86 ευρών ανά προνομιούχο μετοχή.

Στις σχετικές ειδήσεις η VW ανακοίνωσε πως επεκτείνει το εργοστάσιό της στη Chattanooga, του Τενεσί, των Η.Π.Α, προσλαμβάνοντας και νέο εργατικό δυναμικό (2.000 άτομα), έτσι ώστε αυτό να είναι σε θέση να κατασκευάσει το νέο επταθέσιο crossover της.

Δελτίο Τύπου

Porsche SE’s group profit for 2014 expected to reach 3.0 billion euro

Final figures will be presented on 17 March 2015

Stuttgart, 27 February 2015. Porsche Automobil Holding SE, Stuttgart (Porsche SE), expects to report group profit for the fiscal year 2014 of 3.0 billion euro, thus exceeding its previous expectations. This development is mainly due to the significantly higher profit of Porsche SE from the investment in Volkswagen AG accounted for at equity, which is expected to reach 3.4 billion euro. Until now, profit from the investment accounted for at equity of between 2.3 billion euro and 2.8 billion euro and profit for the year in the range from 2.2 billion euro to 2.7 billion euro had been expected for the fiscal year 2014.

Porsche SE will present its final figures for the fiscal year 2014 on Tuesday, 17 March 2015. All figures in this press release are provisional and have not been audited.


Sales revenue up 2.8percent year-on-year to EUR 202.5 billion; negative exchange rate effects, particularly in the first halfof 2014Operating profit rises by EUR 1 billion to EUR 12.7 billion; positive impact from volume and mixeffects as well asoptimized product costsEarnings before tax amount to EUR 14.8 billion (EUR 12.4 billion); equity- accounted profit of the Chinese joint ventures exceeds the high prior-year figureNet liquidity in Automotive Division increases to EUR17.6 billion (EUR 16.9 billion)Dividend proposed to increase to EUR 4.80 per ordinary share (EUR 4.00) and EUR 4.86 per preferred share (EUR 4.06)

Wolfsburg, February 27, 2015 – The Volkswagen Group improved its earnings strength again in 2014 and continued along its qualitative growth path despite major economic challenges. With sales revenue of EUR 202.5 billion (previous year: EUR 197.0 billion) and an Operating profit of EUR 12.7 billion (EUR 11.7 billion), the Group generated new record highs. This was announced byVolkswagen Aktiengesellschaft this Friday on conclusion of the Supervisory Board meeting.

The operating margin improved to 6.3 percent (5.9 percent), reaching the upper end of the forecast range of 5.5 percent to 6.5 percent. The Group’s profit before tax increased to EUR 14.8 billion (EUR 12.4 billion), while the return on sales before tax rose from 6.3 percent to 7.3 percent. The equity-accounted profit of the Chinese joint ventures exceeded thehigh prior-year figure. The activities of the Chinese joint ventures have always been accounted for in the financial result using theequity method and are therefore not included in the Group’s sales revenue and operating profit.

“We can look back onthe past fiscal year with satisfaction: despite the difficult economic environment, we achieved ourgoals for2014. At the same time, our forward-looking efficiency program “Future Tracks” has laid the groundwork that will enable us to continue our successful trajectory with all our strength,” said Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, in Wolfsburg on Friday.

Profit after tax came in at EUR 11.1 billion (EUR 9.1 billion). Net cash flow in the Automotive Division increased by EUR 1.7 billion toEUR 6.1 billion thanks to the robust business model.

Net liquidity in the Automotive Division rose to EUR 17.6 billion (EUR 16.9 billion) as of year- end 2014.

In light of the successful fiscal year, the Board ofManagement and the Supervisory Board will be proposing tothe Annual General Meeting to increase the dividend by 20 percent to EUR 4.80 (EUR 4.00) per ordinary share and EUR 4.86 (EUR 4.06) per preferred share. This would result in a distribution ratio of 21.2 percent (20.6 percent). The medium-term distribution target is 30 percent.

The Board ofManagement expects Group deliveries to increase moderately in full-year 2015 and, depending on economic conditions, Group sales revenue to increase by up to 4 percent year-on-year. In terms of the Group’s Operating profit, Volkswagen is forecasting an operating return onsales of between 5.5 percent and 6.5 percent in light of the challenging economic environment.

“Given the subdued growth prospects in regions outside China, there isno guarantee that 2015 will be a successful year – either for the industry or for the Volkswagen Group. Continuing political uncertainty, strong currency fluctuations and tough environments in markets such as Russia and Brazil present major challenges for the Volkswagen Group this year as well. In light of this, the scenarios underlying our forecast are based on conservative assumptions. Nevertheless, our goal is not only to increase our volumes, but also to lift sales revenue and earnings again,” said Chief Financial Officer Hans Dieter Pötsch, adding that “The continuing high liquidity and our robust financial position give usthe necessary flexibility to successfully implement our Strategy 2018.”

Volkswagen presents 2014 consolidated financial statements:

January – December20142013+/– (%)Volkswagen Group (IFRSs):Deliveries to customersʻ000 units10,1379,731+ 4.2Vehicle salesʻ000 units10,2179,728+ 5.0Productionʻ000 units10,2139,728+ 5.0EmployeesDec. 31592,586572,800+ 3.5Sales revenueEUR million202,458197,007+ 2.8Operating profitEUR million12,69711,671+ 8.8Profit before taxEUR million14,79412,428+ 19.0Profit after taxEUR million11,0689,145+ 21.0Profit attributable toshareholders of Volkswagen AGEUR million10,8479,066+ 19.6Earnings per share (basic)*)- Ordinary sharesEUR21.8418.61+ 17.4- Preferred sharesEUR21.9018.67+ 17.3Automotive Division (including allocation of consolidation adjustments between the Automotive and Financial Services divisions):Cash flows from operating activitiesEUR million21,59320,612+ 4.8Cash flows from investing activitiesattributable to operatingactivities**)EUR million15,47616,199- 4.5- of which investments in property, plant and equipmentEUR million11,49511,040+ 4.1Net liquidity at December 31EUR million17,63916,869+ 4.620142013+/– (%)Volkswagen AG (GermanCommercial Code)Net incomeEUR million2,4763,078- 19.6Dividend proposalDividend – per ordinary shareEUR4.804.00- per preferred shareEUR4.864.06

*) Prior-year figures adjusted to reflect application of IAS 33.26

**) Excluding acquisition and disposal of equity investments: EUR 15,719 million (previous year: EUR 14,497 million).

Prospects for 2015:

The Volkswagen Group’s brands will press ahead with their product initiative in 2015, modernizing and expanding their offering by introducing newmodels. Our goal isto offer all customers the products and innovations they need, sustainablystrengthening our competitive position inthe process.

We expect that the Volkswagen Group will moderately increase its deliveries to customers year-on-year in 2015 in a persistently challenging market environment. The difficult market environment, fierce competition, interest rate and exchange rate volatility, and fluctuations in raw materials prices all pose challenges. We anticipate a positive effect from the efficiency programs implemented by all brands and, increasingly, from the modulartoolkits.

Depending on economic conditions, we expect 2015 sales revenue for the Volkswagen Group and its business areas to increase byup to 4 percentabove the prior-year figure. However, economic trends in Latin America andEastern Europe will need to be continuously monitored in the Commercial Vehicles/Power Engineering Business Area.

In terms of the Group’s Operating profit, we anticipate an operating return on sales of between 5.5 percent and 6.5 percent in 2015 in light of the challenging economic environment. The operating return on sales is expected to bein the 6.0 percent and 7.0 percent range in the Passenger Cars Business Area and between 2.0 percent and 4.0 percent in the Commercial Vehicles/Power Engineering Business Area. For the Financial Services Division, we are forecasting an Operating profit at the prior-year level. Disciplined cost and investment management and the continuous optimization of our processes remain integral elements of the Volkswagen Group’s Strategy 2018.

The Annual Media Conference and Investor Conference will be held in Berlin on March 12, 2015.


Feb 24, 2015Construction Will Add 2nd Vehicle Line: New Midsize SUVCHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Feb. 24, 2015) – Construction is underway at the Volkswagen Chattanooga manufacturing facility in preparation for production of an all new Midsize SUV. The first phase of construction started in early January 2015 and will continue for the next two years.

Volkswagen Chattanooga CEO and President Christian Koch gave a site tour to Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke and Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger on Tuesday, highlighting the necessary expansion of the production areas in the body shop, paint shop and assembly areas.

“This is a very exciting time in the history of Volkswagen Chattanooga,” said Christian Koch, CEO and president of Volkswagen Chattanooga, “A lot of hard work is going into adding this second vehicle line to the plant, but it is crucial to our efforts to move forward in America.”

A total of 512,886 square feet will be added to the already existing plant. The assembly, body and paint shops will each undergo a major expansion to accommodate the new SUV line.

“The all-new midsize SUV is a vital component in Volkswagen’s growth strategy for the U.S. market, meeting the demands of the customer and dealer network,” said Michael Horn, president and CEO, Volkswagen Group of America. “We’re thrilled that work has begun on the expansion of our US manufacturing home, Volkswagen Chattanooga, the facility that will be responsible for building the midsize SUV and home of the award winning Passat.”

The body shop will add additional space on the north and south sides of the plant, the assembly shop will expand to the west, and the paint shop will add a complete second automated production line. A new warehouse will also be built at the east side of the plant.

“We’re excited to see the construction under way,” said Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger. “This means jobs and opportunity for construction workers and vendors over the months to come. Ultimately this brings us closer to the day when Volkswagen will be hiring 2,000 workers to produce their new SUV,” Mayor Coppinger said.

“Not only will Volkswagen’s expansion create thousands of new jobs, it will strengthen their roots in our city,” said Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke. “From the construction at the plant to the development of a visitors center, there is no doubt that Volkswagen is invested in Chattanooga,” Berke said.

Soon the National Engineering and Planning Center will take up temporary residency in a building adjacent to the factory, as hiring for the more than 200 engineers is now underway.

Headed by Dr. Matthias Erb, the engineering and planning center will serve as a high-level research and development hub and will house product-related functions such as technical scouting, innovation management, and product management.

Also in the planning stages is the Volkswagen Visitor Center, which will be located 18 miles from the factory in Downtown Chattanooga and is set to open in Summer 2016.

Production of the facelifted Passat is scheduled to start in the summer of 2015. The new Midsize SUV, which was assigned to be built by the Chattanooga plant in the summer of 2014, is scheduled to be in production at the end of 2016.

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