Η Κίνα σπάει το όριο των 20 εκατ. ετήσιων πωλήσεων αυτοκινήτων
Η Κίνα ήταν η μεγαλύτερη αγορά αυτοκινήτων στο κόσμο το 2012, αλλά το 2013 οι πωλήσεων νέων Ι.Χ ξεπέρασαν τα 20 εκατ. Για να πάρεις μια τάξη μεγέθους το 2013 στις Η.Π.Α πουλήθηκαν 15,6 νέα αυτοκίνητα, ενώ στην Ευρώπη 11.850.905 νέα αυτοκίνητα.
Οι Κινέζοι αγόρασαν 21.984.100 νέα αυτοκίνητα (+13,9%) ενώ επί Κινεζικού εδάφους κατασκευάστηκαν 22.116.800 νέα
[Πηγή: CAAM, CBS]
Δελτίο ΤύπουThe sales and production set another record and enjoyed a dramatic growthThe year 2013 has been a fruitful year for Chinese automotive industry. Its production and sales have reached to 22,116,800 and 21,984,100 units respectively, with an increase of 14.8% and 13.9% year on year, up 10.2 percentage points and 9.6 percentage points from the previous year. The growth rates increased significantly, higher than expectation given at the beginning of the year. Both the sales and production have exceeded 20 million, setting another world record. As a result, the sales and production of Chinese automobiles have been ranking the first for five successive years.
For each month sales, December was the highest, reaching 2,134,200 units; while February was the lowest, only 1,354,600 units. For the whole year, except for February (Spring Festival season), the other eleven months were all higher than the same period of last year. Generally speaking, the sales and production of 2013 developed in accordance with historical law.
For the accumulative growth of the whole year, the overall month-by-month growth remained more than 10%, characterized by high at the both ends and low in the middle. Excluded Spring Festival influences, the accumulative growth rate for the first eight months was the lowest, but still 7.7 percentage points higher than the same period of last year. Since September, the accumulative sales and production began to rise again. That trend was persistent to the end.
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