Κέρδη 11,5 δις το 2012 για το VW Group

Η τρίτη μεγαλύτερη αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία του κόσμου και πρώτη μεγαλύτερη της Ευρώπης, το VW Group, ανακοίνωσε τα οικονομικά του αποτελέσματα για το 2012 όπου είδε τα λειτουργικά κέρδη του να ανέρχονται στο τεράστιο ποσό των 11,5 δις ευρώ (11,3 το 2011). Τα συνολικά έσοδα ανήλθαν στα 159,3 δις ευρώ με τον Martin Winterkorn να δηλώνει ευχαριστημένος από το αποτέλεσμα παρά

το δύσκολο οικονομικό περιβάλλον που υπάρχει στην Ευρώπη. Τα κέρδη προ φόρων ανήλθαν στα 25,5 δις ευρώ, ενώ μετά φόρων στα 21,9 δις ευρώ.

To εποπτικό συμβούλιο θα προτείνει στην Ετήσια Γενική Συνέλευση αύξηση του μερίσματος στα 3,5 ευρώ ανά μετοχή και κατά 3,56 ευρώ ανά προνομιούχο μετοχή. Για το 2013 το Group πιστεύει ότι θα κάνει για ακόμη μια χρονιά ρεκόρ, τόσο στις πωλήσεις όσο και στα κέρδη.

Σε ότι αφορά τους μισθούς των μελών του διοικητικού συμβουλίου, το VW Group ανακοίνωσε ότι αυτοί θα είναι μικρότεροι σε σχέση με τους αντίστοιχους μισθούς το 2011, παρότι φέτος ο όμιλος έβγαλε περισσότερα χρήματα. Όλα τα μέλη πληρώθηκαν συνολικά με 56 εκατ. ευρώ (70 εκατ. ευρώ το 2011), ενώ ο Martin Winterkorn πήρε “μόλις” 14,5 εκατ. ευρώ (17,5 εκατ. ευρώ το 2011). Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.

[Πηγή: Volkswagen Group]

Δελτίο Τύπου

Volkswagen Group meets its targets for fiscal year 2012

Increase in operating profit to EUR 11.5 billion (EUR 11.3 billion)Board of Management and Supervisory Board propose higher dividendProspects for 2013: Given the ongoing crisis in key European markets, the goal for operating profit is to match the prior-year level, sales revenue and vehicle deliveries are to increase year-on-year

Wolfsburg, 22 February 2013 – Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft announced its key financial data for fiscal year 2012 in an ad hoc release published today. With sales revenue of EUR 192.7 billion (prior year: EUR 159.3 billion), the Group’s operating profit of EUR 11.5 billion (EUR 11.3 billion) exceeded the prior-year record level.

“The economic environment for our business became noticeably more difficult as the year progressed. Nevertheless, we succeeded in meeting the targets we set ourselves for 2012”, Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, said in Wolfsburg on Friday.

The Group’s profit before tax in 2012 amounted to EUR 25.5 billion (EUR 18.9 billion). This includes the clearly positive effects from the final measurement of the put/call rights relating to Porsche as of July 31, 2012 and from remeasurement at the contribution date of the shares already held (total: EUR 12.3 billion). Profit after tax came in at EUR 21.9 billion

(EUR 15.8 billion). The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board will be proposing to the Annual General Meeting to increase the dividend to EUR 3.50 (EUR 3.00) per ordinary share and EUR 3.56 (EUR 3.06) per preferred share. The adjusted distribution ratio rises to 17.8 percent (15.7 percent), thus making further progress towards the medium-term targetof 30 percent.

Winterkorn was guardedly confident about 2013: “We, too, are not completely immune to the intense competition and the far-reaching crisis in key European markets. Furthermore, uncertainty in the economic environment continues. Nevertheless, we see good opportunities for the Volkswagen Group to once again outperform competitors this year thanks to our sound financial strength and earning power, a broad-based and attractive model range, an expanding presence on all major global markets and our comprehensive financial services.” Given the pressures resulting from the difficult environment the Volkswagen Group’s goal for operating profit is to match the prior-year level in 2013. Deliveries to customers and sales revenue are to increase year-on-year. “If we can meet these targets, then 2013 will be another good year for the Volkswagen Group”, Winterkorn commented.

Ad hoc release

Volkswagen presents 2012 consolidated financial statements:

Volkswagen Group reports successful fiscal year 2012 in a challenging environment

– Operating profit exceeds record prior-year level at EUR 11.5 billion (EUR 11.3 billion)

– Profit before tax increases to EUR 25.5 billion; clearly positive effects from the final measurement of the put/call rights relating to Porsche as of July 31, 2012 and from remeasurement at the contribution date of the shares already held (total: EUR 12.3 billion; previous year: EUR 6.6 billion)

– Board of Management and Supervisory Board propose an increase in the dividend for Volkswagen shareholders to EUR 3.50 per ordinary share and EUR 3.56 per preferred share

– Deliveries top the 9 million mark for the first time at 9.3 million vehicles (+ 12.2 percent); further increase in market share

– Strategic growth trajectory continues with contribution in full of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG to the Volkswagen Group, increased stake in MAN SE and acquisition of Ducati

Net liquidity of EUR 10.6 billion (EUR 17.0 billion) in the Automotive Division provides financial stability and flexibility

January – December



+/- (%)

Volkswagen Group (IFRSs):

Deliveries to customers

‘000 units



+ 12.2

Vehicle sales

‘000 units



+ 11.8


‘000 units



+ 9.0


Dec. 31



+ 9.5

Sales revenue

EUR million



+ 20.9

Operating profit

EUR million



+ 2.1

Profit before tax

EUR million



+ 34.7

Profit after tax

EUR million



+ 38.5

Noncontrolling interests

EUR million



- 57.0

Profit attributable to shareholders of Volkswagen AG

EUR million



+ 40.9

Earnings per share (basic)

Ordinary sharesEUR



+ 40.2

Preferred sharesEUR



+ 40.2

Automotive Division (including allocation of consolidation adjustments between the Automotive and Financial Services divisions):

Cash flows from

operating activities

EUR million



- 5.1

Cash flows from investing activities attributable to

operating activities*)

EUR million



+ 2.9

- of which investments in

property, plant and equipment

EUR million



+ 29.5

Net liquidity at December 31

EUR million



- 37.6

Volkswagen AG (German Commercial Code):

Net income

EUR million



+ 86.7

Dividend proposal

:Dividend – per ordinary share





per preferred shareEUR



*) Excluding acquisition and disposal of equity investments: EUR 12,528 million (previous year: EUR 9,371 million).

Prospects for 2013:

In 2013, the Volkswagen Group’s brands will launch a large number of fascinating new models and so help further expand our strong position in the global markets.

We expect that the Volkswagen Group will outperform the market as a whole in a challenging environment and that deliveries to customers will increase year-on-year. However, we are not completely immune to the intense competition and the impact this has on business. The modular toolkit system, which is being continuously expanded, will have an increasingly positive effect on the Group’s cost structure.

We expect the Volkswagen Group’s 2013 sales revenue to exceed the prior-year figure. Given the ongoing uncertainty in the economic environment, the Group’s goal for operating profit is to match the prior-year level in 2013. This applies equally to the Passenger Cars Business Area, the Commercial Vehicles, Power Engineering Business Area – which remains affected by high write-downs relating to purchase price allocation, among other things – and the Financial Services Division. While we shall see positive effects from our attractive model range and strong market position, there will also be increasingly stiff competition in a challenging market environment. Disciplined cost and investment management and the continuous optimization of our processes remain an integral part of our Strategy 2018.

The Annual Media Conference and Investor Conference will take place on March 14, 2013 in Wolfsburg.

Volkswagen Supervisory Board realigns Board of Management remuneration systemWolfsburg, 22 February 2013 – The Supervisory Board of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft has realigned the remuneration system of the Board of Management. As a result, the remuneration of the Board of Management members for fiscal year 2012 is lower than the prior-year level even though the Group’s operating profit increased to EUR 11.5 billion (prior year: EUR 11.3 billion) in 2012. In particular, the extremely positive business development of the last two years, and the associated rise in operating profit taking into account new brands, called for a further development of the variable remuneration components. As announced by the Company after a Supervisory Board meeting on Friday, the Supervisory Board discussed the new remuneration structure in depth and has put in place a realigned system representing a sustainable and appropriate remuneration concept for Board of Management members.

The variable remuneration components for Board of Management members comprise a bonus, which relates to business performance over the previous two years, and a Long-Term Incentive (LTI) plan, which is based on the previous four fiscal years.

The Supervisory Board determined that a bonus will only be paid if the operating profit exceeds EUR 5 billion. Furthermore, the bonus for the Chairman of the Board of Management for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 will be capped at EUR 6.75 million. The cap for the other Board of Management members will be EUR 2.5 million. The Supervisory Board will review the methodology and the caps at regular intervals to determine whether any adjustments are required.

In addition to these caps, a personal performance payment totaling a maximum of 50 percent of the relevant capped bonus may be awarded to individual Board of Management members for special achievements that have contributed to sustained corporate development. This provision takes greater account of the individual performance of members of the Board of Management in determining remuneration.

There has been no realignment of the LTI, where the amount depends on the achievement of the targets laid down in the Strategy 2018. Total remuneration of the Volkswagen Board of Management for fiscal year 2012 amounted to around EUR 56 million (prior year: around EUR 70 million), of which the Chairman of the Board of Management received around EUR 14.5 million (around EUR 17.5 million).

Τυχαία Θέματα