Κέρδη 5,2 δις ευρώ για τη Daimler το δεύτερο τρίμηνο του έτους

Η Daimler η μητρική εταιρίας της Mercedes-Benz και της Smart ανακοίνωσε πως κατά το δεύτερο τρίμηνο του έτους, είχε έσοδα της τάξεως των 29,7 δις ευρώ, ενώ τα κέρδη ανήλθαν σε 5,2 δις ευρώ. Τα επιβατικά της Mercedes-Benz έφεραν στα ταμεία 1,041 δις ευρώ, τα φορτηγά 434 εκατ. ευρώ, τα βανάκια της Mercedes-Benz 204 εκατ. ευρώ, τα λεωφορεία

27 εκατ. ευρώ, ενώ οι οικονομικές υπηρεσίες της Daimler Financial Services 319 εκατ. ευρώ.

[Πηγή: Daimler]

Δελτίο Τύπου

Daimler Group EBIT for Q2 2013 above market expectations

Stuttgart – Daimler AG (stock symbol DAI) today disclosed its preliminary figures for the second quarter of 2013. The Group generated revenues of € 29.7 billion while Group EBIT including special items amounts to € 5.2 billion.

The divisions’ preliminary EBIT including special items are as follows:

Mercedes-Benz Cars: € 1,041 million

Daimler Trucks: € 434 million

Mercedes-Benz Vans: € 204 million

Daimler Buses: € 27 million

Daimler Financial Services: € 319 million

Negative special items in connection with ongoing restructuring programs are included in the earnings of the divisions Daimler Trucks (minus € 82 million) and Daimler Buses (minus € 20 million). As previously announced, there was also a special item with a positive impact on EBIT related to the sale of all EADS; this amounts to € 3.2 billion.

As previously announced, the earnings situation from ongoing business improved in the second quarter.

The divisions’ revenues are as follows:

Mercedes-Benz Cars: € 16.3 billion

Daimler Trucks: € 8.0 billion

Mercedes-Benz Vans: € 2.4 billion

Daimler Buses: € 0.9 billion

Daimler Financial Services: € 3.5 billion

EBIT outlook for full-year 2013

Second-quarter earnings are largely in line with our internal expectations and thus also with our current outlook for the development of EBIT in 2013. The current EBIT forecasts for the Daimler Group and its divisions therefore continue to apply unchanged. On the basis of our unchanged assumptions for the further development of our key markets and the ongoing growth initiatives and efficiency programs, we continue to assume that EBIT in the second half of the year will be higher than in the first half.

These Q2 numbers are preliminary and have not yet been reviewed by the external auditors. Daimler will publish its final results for the second quarter along with other details in Interim Report Q2 2013 on July 24, 2013.

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