Ο Wolfgang Dürheimer γίνεται ξανά επικεφαλής της Bentley και της Bugatti

Το διοικητικό συμβούλιο του VW Group αποφάσισε να ξαναβάλει στη θέση του CEO της Bentley και του προέδρου της Bugatti, τον Wolfgang Dürheimer, ο οποίος διετέλεσε για μερικούς μήνες επικεφαλής του τμήματος έρευνας και ανάπτυξης της Audi, αλλά τελικά απολύθηκε επειδή ήταν πολέμιος των e-tron μοντέλων της Γερμανικής εταιρίας, ενώ είχε και

αρνητική στάση σε ότι αφορά τις κοινές πλατφόρμες.

O 55χρονος Dürheimer θα αναλάβει τα νέα του καθήκοντα από την 1η Ιουνίου του έτους, και θα γίνει αυτός που θα βγάλει στην αγορά το νέο SUV της Bentley, τον αντικαταστάτη της Veyron, ενώ θα ηγείται της ανάπτυξης της νέας γενιάς κινητήρων (βενζίνης, πετρελαίου και plug-in υβριδικούς) της Βρετανικής εταιρίας.

Ο μέχρι σήμερα CEO της Bentley και πρόεδρος της Bugatti, Dr Wolfgang Schreiber, θα αναλάβει μια άλλη ηγετική θέση μέσα στο VW Group, η οποία δεν ανακοινώθηκε ακόμη.

[Πηγή: VW Group]

Δελτίο Τύπου

Dürheimer to head Bentley and Bugatti brands

Wolfgang Dürheimer, General Representative of the Volkswagen Group responsible for motorsport, is to become Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bentley Motors Ltd and President of Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. with effect from June 1, 2014. He is to succeed Dr. Wolfgang Schreiber, who will take up a leading position within the Volkswagen Group.

“I would like to thank Wolfgang Schreiber for his successful work with Bentley and Bugatti and the consistent further development of the two brands,” said Dr. Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG. Under the leadership of Schreiber, Bentley set new records in terms of deliveries, sales and profit last year. All in all, Bentley delivered 10,120 vehicles, 19 percent more than in 2012. Sales grew by 15.5 percent to €1.68 billion. Profit rose by 66.9 percent to €167.7 million. In the first quarter of 2014, Bentley boosted deliveries by a further 17 percent.

Wolfgang Dürheimer (55) holds a degree in engineering and started his career in 1986 with BMW, where he held various management positions until 1998. In 1999, he joined Porsche AG, where he became Board Member for research and development in 2001. New models and series that significantly strengthened the Porsche brand were created under his leadership. In 2011, he was appointed CEO of Bentley Motors and President of Bugatti. In September 2012, he became a Member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, where he was responsible for technical development. After stepping down from this position, he is to be appointed to the Volkswagen Group committees responsible for the USA and China markets in addition to heading the Bentley and Bugatti brands. In his new functions, he will be contributing the experience he has gained throughout the Group.

Dr. Wolfgang Schreiber (56) holds a degree in engineering and joined the Volkswagen Group in 1984. From 1996 to 2003, he was head of transmission development of the Volkswagen brand. Products created under his leadership include the DSG transmission. In 2003, he transferred to Bugatti, where he was head of development until 2011. In September 2006, he was also appointed Member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles responsible for development; he was Speaker of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles from 2010. Since September 2012, he has successfully managed Bentley Motors as Chairman and CEO and Bugatti as President.

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