Ο συνιδρυτής της Zenos έγινε γενικός διευθυντής στη McLaren Special Operations

O Ansar Ali προάχθηκε στη θέση του γενικού διευθυντή της McLaren Special Operations (MSO), από διευθυντής του αγωνιστικού τμήματος της βρετανικής εταιρίας, στην οποία βρισκόταν για μόλις οχτώ μήνες.

Ο Ali έχει πλούσιο βιογραφικό, καθώς είχε διευθυντικές θέσεις στη Ford, Lotus και Caterham, ενώ ήταν συνιδρυτής της Zenos το 2013. Πλέον αναλαμβάνει ηγετικό ρόλο στην MSO, καθώς η ομάδα διαχείρισης

του τμήματος συνδέεται πλέον με εκείνη της McLaren Motorsport.

Το νέο, ενιαίο, τμήμα θα συνδυάζει πλέον την ανάπτυξη, τη δημιουργία και την εμπορία των αγώνων, καθώς και των customised και MSO δημιουργιών. Ο στόχος είναι να καταστεί δυνατή μια στενότερη επαφή με τους εμπόρους και τους πελάτες, ώστε να συνδυαστούν αυτοί οι βασικοί τομείς της εταιρίας που φέρνουν έσοδα.

Δελτίο Τύπου


McLaren Special Operations and McLaren Motorsport brought together under one management structureAnsar Ali appointed as Managing Director, MSO and Motorsport

McLaren Special Operations (MSO), McLaren Automotive’s bespoke division, has been brought together with McLaren Motorsport under one management structure, headed by its new Managing Director, Ansar Ali. The new single department will combine the creation and marketing of McLaren’s rarest vehicles together with growing the MSO Defined portfolio aimed at series production cars.

In a further change, the new single department will report into Jolyon Nash, Executive Director – Global Sales & Marketing. The integration of MSO into the Sales & Marketing department brings McLaren’s bespoke division even closer to retailers and customers and also brings all the revenue generating areas of the company together.

Ansar Ali joined McLaren Automotive in March 2016 as Motorsports Director, tasked with developing the motorsport function. Since his arrival, McLaren Automotive has launched the 570S GT4 and 570S Sprint models. By adding MSO to his Motorsport portfolio, and by integrating the function within Sales & Marketing, the team will be able to develop offerings that even better suit McLaren customers and retailers without disrupting the unique spirit and entrepreneurial character that has distinguished MSO since its inception.

Jolyon Nash, Executive Director – Global Sales & Marketing, commented: ‘The joining of McLaren Special Operations and Motorsport brings together the two areas of the company that design and deliver low-volume, highly bespoke offerings to their respective customers. And the integration of that new department into the Global Sales and Marketing function is a logical step, combining all of the revenue-generating areas of the business under one umbrella. I am confident that in taking this step, both MSO and Motorsport will make an even more significant contribution to the long-term future of McLaren Automotive.’


Τυχαία Θέματα