Περισσότερο από μισό εκατ. πωλήσεις για την Volkswagen τον Ιανουάριο

H Volkswagen ανακοίνωσε πως τον πρώτο μήνα του 2014 πούλησε σε όλο τον κόσμο 515.700 αυτοκίνητα, παρουσιάζοντας αύξηση 4,8% σε σχέση με την ίδια περσινή περίοδο, ενώ για πρώτη φορά μέσα στον πρώτο μήνα του έτους, η Volkswagen πούλησε περισσότερα από μισό εκατ. αυτοκίνητα.

Στην Ευρώπη τον Ιανουάριο πουλήθηκαν 126.200 νέα VW

(+7,9%). Στην Κεντρική και Ανατολική Ευρώπη οι πωλήσεις αυξήθηκαν κατά 1,8% (18.600 μονάδες) ενώ στη Ρωσία μειώθηκαν κατά 13,7 % (8.600 μονάδες). Στη Δυτική Ευρώπη, εκτός Γερμανίας, οι πωλήσεις αυξήθηκαν κατά 9,1% (66.100 μονάδες) ενώ και στη Γερμανία οι πωλήσεις σημείωσαν αύξηση της τάξεως του 8,8% (41.400).

Στη περιοχή Ασίας-Ειρηνικού πουλήθηκαν 285.300 αυτοκίνητα (+13,7%) ενώ στη Κίνα οι πωλήσεις ανήλθαν σε 267.800 αυτοκίνητα (+13,9%). Στη Βόρειο Αμερική η VW πούλησε 39.200 αυτοκίνητα (-10,6%), στις Η.Π.Α 23.500 αυτοκίνητα (-19,0%) και στη Νότιο Αμερική 49.600 αυτοκίνητα (-21,3%). Στη Βραζιλία πουλήθηκαν 35.900 νέα Volkswagen (-22,1%), ενώ στην Ινδία 3.400 αυτοκίνητα (-26,6%).

[Πηγή: Volkswagen]

Δελτίο ΤύπουVolkswagen Passenger Cars grows January deliveries by 4.8 percent to 515,700 vehicles

Board Member for Sales Klingler: “For first time ever Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivers over half a million vehicles at start of year.”

The Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand began this year with a rise in vehicle deliveries: The company handed over 515,700 (January 2013: 491,900) vehicles to customers worldwide in January, 4.8 percent up on the same period in 2013. “For the first time in its history Volkswagen Passenger Cars has started the year with deliveries in excess of half a million. That confirms the brand’s young and environmentally-friendly model range ticks the right boxes with customers worldwide”, Christian Klingler, Board Member for Sales and Marketing for the Volkswagen Group and the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, said in Wolfsburg on Tuesday.

The sales situation in Europe regained momentum in the first month of the year. While the overall market grew by some three percent, deliveries by Volkswagen in the first month of the year grew 7.9 percent to 126,200 (116,900) units. In Western Europe (excluding Germany) 66,100 (60,600) vehicles were handed over, an increase of 9.1 percent compared with the same month last year, while 41,400 (38,100) vehicles were delivered in Germany, a rise of 8.8 percent. In the Central and Eastern Europe region, 18,600 (18,200; +1.8 percent) customers took possession of a new Volkswagen, of which 8,600 (10,000; -13.7 percent) units were delivered in Russia.

The brand recorded a further 13.7 percent rise in deliveries in the Asia-Pacific region in January, handing over 285,300 (251,100) vehicles, of which 267,800 (235,000; +13.9 percent) were delivered in China (incl. Hong Kong). In India, Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivered 3,400 (4,600; -26.6 percent) units in January.

In the North America region, Volkswagen Passenger Cars handed over 39,200 (43,800; -10.6 percent) vehicles to customers, of which 23,500 (29,000; -19.0 percent) were delivered in the United States. In the South America region, Volkswagen Passenger Cars handed over 49,600 (63,000; -21.3 percent) vehicles, of which 35,900 (46,100; -22.1 percent) units were delivered in Brazil.

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