Στο σφυρί και η τελευταία Ferrari Enzo, αυτή του Πάπα

Στην υπέροχη Pinnacle Portfolio συλλογή, των 65 εκατ. δολαρίων που θα βγει σε δημοπρασία στο φετινό Pebble Beach από τον οίκο RM Sotheby’s βρίσκεται και η τελευταία Enzo, όχι η παραγωγής, αλλά η τελευταία-τελευταία, η 400στη, εκείνη που η Ferrari κατασκεύασε και την χάρισε στον Πάπα Ιωάννη Παύλο τον Β’.

Έχει αριθμό σασί ZFFCZ56B000141920, αριθμό κινητήρα 91280, αριθμό κατασκευής 59050 και βρίσκεται σε υπεράριστη κατάσταση, μιας και έχει διανύσει

μόλις 179 χλμ. Είναι μια από τις λίγες Enzo βαμμένες στο χρώμα Rosso Scuderia (Scuderia Red), διαθέτει καθίσματα Daytona και carbon αεροτομή, με τον ιδιοκτήτη της να την έχει κάνει πλήρες σέρβις στον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο στην αντιπροσωπεία της Ferrari στη Φλόριντα. Στο εσωτερικό της υπάρχουν μπεζ δερμάτινες επενδύσεις, ενώ στο κάτω μέρος του καπό, υπάρχει γραμμένο από το χέρι του ίδιου του Luca di Montezemolo το κείμενο:

Questa Enzo unica nella storia della Ferrari quale segno della solidarietà per chi soffre ispirata da un Grande Papa, Giovanni Paolo II.

Ο Πάπας δέχτηκε το δώρο από τον Montezemolo και τα άλλα στελέχη της Ferrari στο Βατικανό, τον Ιανουάριο του 2005. Ευχαριστώντας τους επισκέπτες του για ένα τόσο γενναιόδωρο δώρο, έδωσε εντολή να πουληθεί για λογαριασμό του Βατικανού, με όλα τα έσοδα να πηγαίνουν στα θύματα του τσουνάμι που είχε ρημάξει τη Νοτιοανατολική Ασία μόλις λίγες εβδομάδες πριν. Έτσι το αυτοκίνητο επέστρεψε στο Μαρανέλο όπου και δημοπρατήθηκε τον Ιούνιο του 2005, με το 100% των εσόδων του να πηγαίνουν για φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς. Δυστυχώς, ο Πάπας Ιωάννης Παύλος ο Β’ είχε πεθάνει τον Απρίλιο, αλλά η Ferrari τίμησε την υπόσχεσή που του είχε δώσει, και έδωσε στον διάδοχό του, τον Πάπα Βενέδικτο XVI, τον έλεγχο των κονδυλίων που συγκεντρώθηκαν από την πώληση της μοναδικής Enzo. Το αυτοκίνητο έφυγε για Αμερική όπου και έμεινε στον ίδιο κάτοχο μέχρι και σήμερα.

Είναι αναμφισβήτητα, η πιο επιθυμητή και ιστορικά σημαντική Enzo, με τον οίκο να εκτιμά πως θα πιάσει τιμή μεταξύ 4 και 6 εκατ. δολαρίων.

Δελτίο Τύπου2005 Ferrari Enzo

To be auctioned on Thursday, August 13, 2015

$4,000,000 – $6,000,000

Chassis no. ZFFCZ56B000141920Engine no. 91280Assembly No. 59050

660 bhp, 5,998 cc DOHC 65-degree V-12 engine with Bosch Motronic engine management and electronic fuel injection, six-speed electro-hydraulic computer-controlled sequential F1 transmission, limited-slip differential and traction control, front and rear pushrod-actuated double wishbones with horizontal external reservoir coil-spring damper units, and four-wheel ventilated carbon-ceramic disc brakes. Wheelbase: 104 in.

Gifted to His Holiness Pope John Paul II by Ferrari; the 400th and final Enzo builtOne of very few finished in Rosso Scuderia (Scuderia Red)Fitted with unique options, Daytona seats, and a carbon fiber rear spoilerFully serviced by Ferrari of Central Florida in December 2014As-new condition, with just 179 kilometers from newUndisputedly the most desirable and historically important Enzo; provenance more fascinating than perhaps any other supercar

Open the boot lid of this Enzo and its place in history is written in plain sight. There lies one simple sentence, in Luca Corderi di Montezemolo’s distinctive handwriting:

Questa Enzo unica nella storia della Ferrari quale segno della solidarietà per chi soffre ispirata da un Grande Papa, Giovanni Paolo II.

This Enzo, unique in the history of Ferrari, as a sign of solidarity for those suffering, inspired by a Great Pope, John Paul II.


Upon Ferrari’s introduction of the Enzo, it was stated that only 349 examples would be produced, in keeping with the company’s traditional mantra of building one car fewer than what the market would demand. However, the 349 failed to placate enough of Ferrari’s best customers, so production was raised to 399.

After the completion of the 399th Enzo, Ferrari built one more, to bring production to an even 400. This car, which would definitively be “the last,” was built not for any of the factory’s customers but as a gift for His Holiness Pope John Paul II.

One might expect a car built for a Pope to have unique features, and this Enzo does. It is finished in Rosso Scuderia, a color seldom seen on Enzos and one that was more commonly used for the Scuderia’s Formula One cars, making it instantly discernable as something special to the most passionate of tifosi from a distance. Furthermore, its rear spoiler was crafted of bare carbon fiber, which is a one-off feature that presents a wonderful contrast of color. The cockpit features an upper dashboard and steering wheel in Nero leather, as well as seats and lower dashboard in Cuoio leather. The seats have matched Cuoio-colored “Daytona” inserts, which is an option seen on only a handful of Enzos.

The car was intended to be gifted to Pope John Paul II by Montezemolo and other Ferrari executives at the Vatican in January 2005. While His Holiness thanked his visitors for such a generous gift, in typical humility, he suggested that they sell it on his behalf and donate the proceeds to the victims of a tsunami that had ravaged Southeast Asia just weeks before. Accordingly, the car was returned to Ferrari’s Maranello facility until the auction that was held there in June 2005. There it was sold, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to charity. Sadly, Pope John Paul II had passed away in April, but Ferrari honored their promise to him and returned to the Vatican to present his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, with a check of the sale funds for charity.

Following the auction, the car was destined for the United States, and it has remained here ever since. It has been only sparingly driven and kept in as-new condition, showing, at the time of cataloguing, only 179 kilometers from new and appearing as if it had just left the production line. It has been properly maintained mechanically throughout its life, with an annual service last performed by Ferrari of Central Florida in December 2014. Importantly, it comes with its original tool kit and the original set of manuals.

That the Ferrari Enzo is a technological and performance masterpiece is well known, and with only 400 built, each is a rarity in its own right and accordingly coveted by enthusiasts. However, it is rare that an Enzo has its own special, distinctive, and important history, making the car offered here the most important of all. As it has been gifted by Ferrari to one of the most beloved leaders of modern times, sold at his request to benefit humanity, and since preserved as beautifully as it deserves to be, it is a landmark car that RM Sotheby’s is delighted to offer at auction once more. Add to that the rarity of this car’s options and color scheme, and one is left with an Enzo so important that it is as much a supercar as an invaluable historical document. It is one of the most important stories in automotive history.

Τυχαία Θέματα