Τα Datsun Go και τα Maruti Suzuki Swift πήραν 0 αστέρια στις δοκιμές ασφαλείας στην Ινδία [w/video]

0, μηδέν. Στρόγγυλο μηδενικό. Τόσα ήταν τα αστέρια που απέσπασαν τα Datsun Go και Maruti Suzuki Swift στις πρόσφατες πρόσκρουσης που διεξήγαγε ο Ινδικός οργανικός ασφαλείας Bharat NCAP, ο αντίστοιχος Euro NCAP της Ινδίας.

Στις δοκιμές μετωπικής σύγκρουσης με 64 χλμ/ώρα, η δομή του Datsun Go διαλύθηκε, με την απουσία του αερόσακου του οδηγού, να κάνει το κεφάλι

του ανδρείκελου να χτυπά με ταχύτητα στο τιμόνι. Υπεύθυνοι του οργανισμού δηλώνουν πως η δομή του Go είναι τόσο αδύναμη, που είναι μάταιο να προστεθεί αερόσακος. Κάπως έτσι εξηγείται και η αποτυχημένη μέχρι σήμερα αναγέννηση της Datsun.

Σε ότι αφορά το Maruti Suzuki Swift, στην ίδια δοκιμή μετωπικής σύγκρουσης, η δομή του αυτοκινήτου έδειξε σημάδια κατάρρευσης. Και αυτό δεν διαθέτει στον βασικό εξοπλισμό αερόσακο οδηγού, αλλά με την προαιρετική τοποθέτηση του, η προστασία των επιβατών βελτιώνεται.

Δελτίο Τύπου

Zero stars for Indian-sold Datsun Go and Maruti Suzuki Swift

Global NCAP, the overarching consumer vehicle safety testing organisation, has today revealed zero star safety ratings for the Indian-sold Datsun Go and Maruti Suzuki Swift. These ratings were announced in Delhi, India, at the launch of the latest New Car Assessment Program, Bharat New Car Assessment Program (Bharat NCAP).

“The formation of an Indian-based NCAP is a positive step and ANCAP congratulates the Indian Government and the Institute of Road Traffic Education (ITRE) on bringing this program to fruition,” said ANCAP Chairman, Mr Lauchlan McIntosh.

“Bharat NCAP is the tenth NCAP to be formed around the world and with India now the fifth largest producer of passenger cars, this new consumer program will no doubt have a direct effect on improving vehicle safety standards across India.”

Identifying the risk posed by India’s most common new cars, the crash results of seven models have now been published by Global NCAP. The latest being the Datsun Go (Nissan Motor Company) and the Maruti Suzuki Swift. All seven received zero star ratings for adult occupant protection.

The vehicle structure of the Datsun Go collapsed in the frontal offset crash test (64km/h). Its lack of airbags meant that the driver’s head made direct contact with the steering wheel and dashboard. The dummy readings indicated a high probability of life-threatening injuries. The failure of the body shell makes fitting an airbag redundant.

The Maruti Suzuki Swift’s structure showed signs of collapsing in the frontal offset crash test. The lack of standard-fit airbags meant that the driver’s head made direct contact with the steering wheel. Likewise, the dummy readings indicated a high probability of life-threatening injuries. Unlike the Go however, the fitting of airbags would improve occupant protection.

Global NCAP Secretary-General, Mr David Ward said, “We welcome the initiative of the Indian government to launch its own NCAP and recommend that this positive step is combined with the application of the UNregulations for frontal and side impact. Prompt action like this would prevent the introduction of brand new models like the Datsun Go, which has a body structure so weak that it is pointless to fit an airbag.”

Mr Ward added, “It is disappointing to see a global company like Nissan launch a new car design in 2014 that so clearly falls below UN safety standards. This runs counter to the objectives of the UN Decade ofAction for Road Safety.”

Existing New Car Assessment Programs include NHTSA (United States), ANCAP (Australia & New Zealand), IIHS (United States), JNCAP (Japan), Euro NCAP (EU 27), KNCAP (South Korea), C-NCAP(China), Latin NCAP (Latin America & the Caribbean) and ASEAN NCAP (South East Asian Nations).

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