Τα αυτοκίνητα της Fiat για την έκθεση της Γενεύης
Στην έκθεση της Γενεύης, η Fiat θα παρουσιάσει τις πιο πρόσφατες εκδόσεις των 500X, 500, Panda και Doblo. Αρχικά, το 500X αποκτά το νέο αυτόματο σειριακό κιβώτιο 6 σχέσεων που συνδυάζεται με τον 1.4 MultiAir II 140 HP και μπροστινή κίνηση. Αργότερα το κιβώτιο θα είναι διαθέσιμο και με σύστημα τετρακίνησης. Εκεί θα δούμε και το Fiat
Ακολουθεί το 500 Vintage 57, μια ειδική έκδοση του 500 που τιμά το σύμβολο Made in Italy του 1957. Με ρετρό πινελιές από τις δεκαετίες του ’60 και του ’70, εξωτερικά ξεχωρίζει το pastel blue χρώμα του αμαξώματος και το λευκό της οροφής, των spoiler, της κεραίας, των καλυμμάτων των καθρεφτών, όπως και οι λευκές παραδοσιακές ζάντες αλουμινίου 16” που θυμίζουν τις ζάντες του ιστορικού 500. Η retro εμφάνιση του Fiat 500 Vintage 57 υπάρχει επίσης και στο εσωτερικό με το λευκό ταμπλό και κομψή ταπετσαρία από δέρμα tobacco Frau με «ενθέσεις» σε σχήμα μισοφέγγαρου από δέρμα ivory με κεντητά σήματα “500” σε χρωματισμό tobacco. Η παραδοσιακή εμφάνιση επίσης τονίζεται και από τα ιστορικά λογότυπα της Fiat, τόσο στο εξωτερικό μέρος όσο και στο τιμόνι.
Στον βασικό εξοπλισμό διαθέτει σύστημα κλιματισμού, σύστημα Blue&Me, ραδιο-CD με MP3, ABS με EBD, 7 αερόσακους, σύστημα Start&Stop, ESP με ASR/MSR, HBA και Hill Holder. Θα είναι διαθέσιμο με τους βενζινοκινητήρες 1.2 69 HP, 0.9 Twin Air 65 HP, 0.9 Twin Air 85 HP και 0.9 Twin Air 105 HP και τον πετρελαιοκινητήρα 1.3 Multijet 95 HP.
Επιπλέον αυτής της παραδοσιακής έκδοσης, θα υπάρχει επίσης και το μοντέλο 500C “S” με ειδικό εξωτερικό χρώμα Blu Italia, ζάντες αλουμινίου 16″ και στοιχεία εξοπλιστικά που το καθιστούν ιδιαίτερα καλαίσθητο, τόσο στο εξωτερικό όπως και στο εσωτερικό, όπου αυτή η «επιθετική» εμφάνιση τονίζεται με σπορτίφ καθίσματα. Το μοντέλο εξοπλίζεται με τον δικύλινδρο κινητήρα 0.9 Twin Air 105 HP, συνδυασμένο με χειροκίνητο κιβώτιο 6 σχέσεων.
Ακολουθεί το Panda K-Way που δημιουργήθηκε από τη συνεργασία της Fiat και της φημισμένης μάρκας της μόδας. Προσφέρει 20 πιθανούς συνδυασμούς στο εξωτερικό μέρος ανάμεσα στα χρώματα του αμαξώματος και στοιχεία του εξωτερικού μέρους του αυτοκινήτου. Χαρακτηρίζεται δε από το συνδυασμό των χρωμάτων της K-Way (κίτρινο, πορτοκαλί και μπλε) και λεπτομέρειες τιτανίου, όπως τα εμπρός και πλευρικά λογότυπα και σημεία στους καθρέφτες και στα πλαϊνά.
Στο εσωτερικό, ξεχωρίζουν τα δίχρωμα μπλε/γκρι δερμάτινα καθίσματα δέρμα με το λογότυπο της K-Way, όπως και το μπλε ταμπλό και τον ασημένιο πίνακα οργάνων. Τα λογότυπα K-way εμφανίζονται επίσης στις ζώνες ασφαλείας και στα μπλε πατάκια. Επίσης, τα μπροστινά καθίσματα έχουν δυο τσέπες στις πλάτες τους εφοδιασμένες με Visibag, τα ειδικά γιλέκα ασφαλείας που σχεδιάστηκαν για τη Fiat από την K-Way.
Και το Doblo Trekking κάνει την εμφάνισή του στην Γενεύη, έχοντας στον βασικό εξοπλισμό το σύστημα ελέγχου πρόσφυσης “Traction+”, που διευκολύνει την οδήγηση σε δύσκολες επιφάνειες με χαμηλή πρόσφυση, εξασφαλίζοντας απροβλημάτιστο ξεκίνημα και βέλτιστη απόδοση σε εκτός δρόμου συνθήκες μικρής δυσκολίας. Στο περίπτερο της θα βρίσκεται επίσης το 500L, το Freemont καθώς και τα Mopal αξεσουάρ των μοντέλων της. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.
Δελτίο ΤύπουΗ Fiat στη Διεθνή Έκθεση Αυτοκινήτου Γενεύης 2015
- Το Fiat 500X εξοπλίζεται με το καινοτόμο αυτόματο και σειριακό κιβώτιο διπλού συμπλέκτη. Συνδυαζόμενη με τον κινητήρα 1.4 MultiAir II 140 HP προδιαγραφών Euro 6 και με τετρακίνηση, η νέα έκδοση θα είναι διαθέσιμη τους αμέσως επόμενους μήνες.
– Η πρεμιέρα του Fiat 500 “ VINTAGE ’57”, αποτελεί ένα φόρο τιμής στο σύμβολο που παρουσιάστηκε στο Τορίνο στις 4 Ιουλίου 1957. Η κλασική του εμφάνιση ανακαλεί στοιχεία από το ιστορικό αυτοκίνητο, όπως το χρώμα pastel blue του αμαξώματος-που τώρα συνδυάζεται με λευκή οροφή και spoiler- και ταπετσαρία σε δερμάτινη επένδυση tobacco Frau.
– Πρεμιέρα του Fiat Panda K-Way®, της νέας λειτουργικής σειράς με ειδικούς χρωματικούς η οποία είναι το αποτέλεσμα της συνεργασίας με την τοπ μάρκα στο χώρο της μόδας.
– Το νέο Fiat Doblò Trekking με αποκλειστική εμφάνιση, εξοπλισμένο με το σύστημα “Traction+” για ασφαλή οδήγηση σε επιφάνειες με χαμηλή πρόσφυση.
Η Fiat επέλεξε τη Γενεύη για να προβάλλει στον διεθνή τύπο τις τελευταίες εκδόσεις των 500X, 500, Panda και Doblò, που παρουσιάζονται δίπλα στα 500L, αντιπροσωπεύοντας μαζί μια από τις ευρύτερες και πιο διαφοροποιημένες γκάμες στην αυτοκινητική σκηνή.
Fiat 500XΑναμφίβολα το μεγαλύτερο αστέρι της έκθεσης είναι το Fiat 500X, το νέο crossover της Fiat που προσφέρει μια εντελώς νέα διάσταση του 500. Το στιλ, η ουσία και ο ιταλικός χαρακτήρας καθορίζουν αυτό το άνετο, υψηλών επιδόσεων αυτοκίνητο που είναι πάντοτε συνδεδεμένο με την παγκόσμια κοινότητα: αυτή είναι η X οπτική πλευρά της ομορφιάς, αυτή είναι η ψυχή του νέου Fiat 500X.
Το κοινό μπορεί να θαυμάσει δυο εκδόσεις Lounge του μοντέλου, της πιο αστικής εκδοχής του crossover της Fiat. Τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας επίσης θα τραβήξει η νέα έκδοση που εξοπλίζεται το καινοτόμο αυτόματο και σειριακό κιβώτιο διπλού συμπλέκτη 6 ταχυτήτων, που εξασφαλίζει τέλεια ισορροπία μεταξύ της οδηγικής άνεσης και της σπορ αίσθηση, ενώ ταυτόχρονα εγγυάται γρήγορες αλλαγές ταχυτήτων και υψηλή απόδοση. Η καινοτόμα αυτή μετάδοση, που συνδυάζεται με τον κινητήρα 1.4 MultiAir II 140 HP και μπροστινή κίνηση, εξασφαλίζει συνεχή παροχή ροπής, χωρίς να χάνεται καθόλου ισχύς κατά τη διάρκεια των αλλαγών ταχυτήτων. Ο στόχος της νέας αυτής έκδοσης δεν είναι μόνο να ικανοποιήσει τις ανάγκες για άνεση και ευκολία στην οδήγηση όπως ένα κλασικό σύστημα αυτόματης μετάδοσης, αλλά σε συνδυασμό και με τα εξαιρετικά δυναμικά χαρακτηριστικά του αυτοκινήτου, σκοπεύει να γίνει το σημείο της διαφοράς στην κατηγορία του για τις επιδόσεις του και την οδηγική ευχαρίστηση που προσφέρει.
Το δεύτερο Fiat 500X Lounge είναι εφοδιασμένο με τον κινητήρα 1.6 Multijet II 120 HP και μερικά αξεσουάρ από τη Mopar, τη φίρμα αναφοράς για γνήσια αξεσουάρ, εξυπηρέτηση πελατών και υπηρεσίες για τις μάρκες της FCA.
Στο περίπτερο όμως θα υπάρχει χώρος και για εκδόσεις του 500X που απευθύνονται περισσότερο στον ελεύθερο χρόνο: εκεί θα βρίσκονται δύο κορυφαίες εκδόσεις Cross Plus, εφοδιασμένες με τον κινητήρα 2.0 Multijet II 140 HP σε συνδυασμό με το καινοτόμο αυτόματο κιβώτιο εννέα ταχυτήτων και συστήματα τετρακίνησης.
Fiat 500Το Fiat 500 “VINTAGE ’57″ που τιμά το σύμβολο Made in Italy του 1957 ξεκινάει την καριέρα του στη Γενεύη με μια σύγχρονη ερμηνεία των στιλιστικών επιλογών που το έκαναν σύμβολο τις δεκαετίες του ’60 και του ’70. Εξωτερικά ξεχωρίζει από το pastel blue χρώμα του αμαξώματος και από το λευκό της οροφής, των spoiler, της κεραίας, των καλυμμάτων των καθρεφτών, όπως και τις λευκές παραδοσιακές ζάντες αλουμινίου 16” που θυμίζουν τις ζάντες του ιστορικού 500.
Η retro εμφάνιση του Fiat 500 “VINTAGE ’57″ υπάρχει επίσης και στο εσωτερικό με το λευκό ταμπλό και κομψή ταπετσαρία από δέρμα tobacco Frau με «ενθέσεις» σε σχήμα μισοφέγγαρου (στιλιστικό χαρακτηριστικό του μοντέλου) από δέρμα ivory με κεντητά σήματα “500” σε χρωματισμό tobacco. Η παραδοσιακή εμφάνιση επίσης τονίζεται και από τα ιστορικά λογότυπα της Fiat, τόσο στο εξωτερικό μέρος όσο και στο τιμόνι.
Το αυτοκίνητο διαθέτει μια ευρεία γκάμα στάνταρ εξοπλιστικών στοιχείων, που περιλαμβάνει σύστημα κλιματισμού, σύστημα Blue&Me, ραδιο-CD με MP3, ABS με EBD, 7 αερόσακους, σύστημα Start&Stop, ESP με ASR/MSR, HBA και Hill Holder. Θα είναι διαθέσιμο με τους βενζινοκινητήρες 1.2 69 HP, 0.9 Twin Air 65 HP, 0.9 Twin Air 85 HP και 0.9 Twin Air 105 HP και τον πετρελαιοκινητήρα 1.3 Multijet 95 HP.
Επιπλέον αυτής της παραδοσιακής έκδοσης, θα υπάρχει επίσης και το μοντέλο 500C “S” με ειδικό εξωτερικό χρώμα Blu Italia, ζάντες αλουμινίου 16″ και στοιχεία εξοπλιστικά που το καθιστούν ιδιαίτερα καλαίσθητο, τόσο στο εξωτερικό όπως και στο εσωτερικό, όπου αυτή η «επιθετική» εμφάνιση τονίζεται με σπορτίφ καθίσματα και πλούσιο εξοπλισμό. Το μοντέλο εξοπλίζεται με τον επαναστατικό δικύλινδρο κινητήρα 0.9 Twin Air 105 HP, συνδυασμένο με χειροκίνητο κιβώτιο 6 σχέσεων.
Fiat 500LΗ έκθεση της οικογένειας 500 ολοκληρώνεται με το μοντέλο που συνδυάζει το φυσικό στιλ του 500 με την λειτουργικότητα του ντιζάιν Made in Fiat. Όμορφο εξωτερικά και ευρύχωρο εσωτερικά, το 500L έχει χώρο για κάθε μικρή ευχαρίστηση και κάθε συναίσθημα που ομορφαίνει τη ζωή: παιδιά, φίλοι, ταξίδια, μουσική και επικοινωνία.
Fiat Panda K-Way®Οι επισκέπτες της Γενεύης μπορούν να δουν από κοντά το ειδικό Panda K-Way® που δημιουργήθηκε από τη συνεργασία της Fiat και της φημισμένης μάρκας της μόδας. Με όπλο του την ελευθερία της εξατομίκευσης στο μάξιμουμ, το Panda K-Way® προσφέρει 20 πιθανούς συνδυασμούς στο εξωτερικό μέρος ανάμεσα στα χρώματα του αμαξώματος και στοιχεία του εξωτερικού μέρους του αυτοκινήτου (όπως τα καλύμματα των καθρεφτών για παράδειγμα). Χαρακτηρίζεται δε από το συνδυασμό των χρωμάτων της K-Way (κίτρινο, πορτοκαλί και μπλε) και λεπτομέρειες με κομψό χρωματισμό τιτανίου, όπως τα εμπρός και πλευρικά λογότυπα και σημεία στους καθρέφτες και στα πλαϊνά.
Στο εσωτερικό, αμέσως αναγνωρίζεις τα δίτονα μπλε/γκρι καθίσματα με οικολογικό δέρμα με το λογότυπο της K-Way®, όπως και το μπλε ταμπλό και τον ασημένιο πίνακα οργάνων. Τα λογότυπα K-way εμφανίζονται επίσης στις ζώνες ασφαλείας και στα μπλε «πατάκια». Επίσης, τα μπροστινά καθίσματα έχουν δυο τσέπες στις πλάτες τους εφοδιασμένες με “VISIBAG®”, τα ειδικά γιλέκα ασφαλείας που σχεδιάστηκαν για τη Fiat από την K-Way.
Fiat Doblò TrekkingΗ Trekking έκδοση του νέου Doblò θα κάνει για πρώτη φορά την εμφάνισή της στη Γενεύη με στάνταρ το σύστημα ελέγχου πρόσφυσης “Traction+”, που διευκολύνει την οδήγηση σε δύσκολες επιφάνειες με χαμηλή πρόσφυση, εξασφαλίζοντας απροβλημάτιστο ξεκίνημα και βέλτιστη απόδοση σε εκτός δρόμου συνθήκες μικρής δυσκολίας.
Η έκδοση Trekking προσφέρει περισσότερες επιλογές για το “Active Family Space” τις Fiat και μπορεί να ικανοποιήσει τις ανάγκες μιας μοντέρνας και δυναμικής οικογένειας που χρησιμοποιεί το αυτοκίνητο κάθε μέρα της εβδομάδας, και τις μέρες που χρειάζεται στη δουλειά αλλά και τα Σαββατοκύριακα, χωρίς κανένα όριο σε ζητήματα χώρων ή χρησιμότητας.
Το περίπτερο της FiatΕμπνευσμένο από το “X” του νέου crossover της Fiat, το περίπτερο της Fiat στη Γενεύη καλωσορίζει το κοινό με κομψή και ιταλική γεύση. Στο κέντρο του θα φιλοξενούνται μερικές εκδόσεις του 500X, πλαισιωμένες από άλλα οχήματα -500, Panda, Doblò, 500L και Freemont- σε μια συμβολική κίνηση καλωσορίσματος στο νεότερο μοντέλο της οικογένειας της Fiat.
Υπάρχει επίσης ένας ειδικός χώρος όπου μπορεί να θαυμάσει το κοινό κάποια προϊόντα της K-way μαζί με τη νέα συλλογή που δημιουργήθηκε από τη Mopar για το νέο Fiat 500X.
Fiat at the 2015 Geneva International Motor Show The Fiat 500X equipped with the innovative automatic and sequential dual clutch transmission débuts at this prestigious event in Switzerland. Combined with the Euro 6 1.4 MultiAir II 140 HP engine and all-wheel drive, the new version will be available in the next few months. The première of the Fiat 500 Vintage ’57, a tribute to the icon presented in Turin on 4 July 1957. Its vintage look recalls some particular aspects of this historical car, such as the vintage pastel blue livery – now combined with the white roof and spoiler – and upholstery in tobacco Frau leather. The première of the Fiat Panda K-Way®, the new special coloured and functional series that is the result of a collaboration with the top brand of casual and fashionable rainproof garments. At kick-off, the new Fiat Doblò Trekking with an exclusive look and equipped with the “Traction+” system to drive safely on surfaces with different levels of grip.Fiat has selected Geneva to provide the international press with the exclusive preview of its latest 500X, 500, Panda and Doblò models. These are presented next to 500L and Freemont models that represent one of the widest and most diverse ranges in the automotive industry.
Fiat 500X
The undisputed star of the exhibition area is the Fiat 500X, the new Fiat crossover that explores the completely new dimension of the 500 brand, where style, substance and made in Italy define this comfortable, high performing car that is always connected with the world: this is the X side of beauty, this is the soul of the Fiat 500X.
Only a few weeks ago there was an exclusive live performance by Dynamo that marked the end of the extraordinary “The Power of X” tour, which, in 80 days, brought the 500X to the main squares of 74 European cities and to 602 exclusive premières at Fiat dealerships.
The public can admire the two versions of the Lounge model, the more metropolitan side of the Fiat crossover. The spotlights are also on the new version equipped with an innovative automatic and sequential 6-gear dual clutch transmission that ensures a perfect balance between driving comfort and a sporty feeling while guaranteeing quick gear changes and high efficiency.
Available in combination with the 1.4 MultiAir II 140 HP engine with front wheel drive, this innovative device consists of two parallel transmissions that make it possible to change gears with amazing speed, by releasing one clutch while engaging the other at the same time.
The second 500X Lounge is equipped with the 1.6 Multijet II 120 HP engine and fit with some Mopar accessories, the brand of reference for services, Customer Care, original spare parts and accessories for FCA brands. The exclusive 18” alloy rims are presented along with the “Chrome Xtra pack“, which includes elegant chrome elements such as the door mouldings, fog light frames and the external mirror covers. The Cargo Organizer rounds out the equipment, increasing the versatility of the boot. This is a small yet significant example of the wide collection of Mopar accessories created especially for the new Fiat crossover in order to make it even more distinctive.
There is also space for 500X versions that are targeted more towards free time: two top of the range Cross Plus models are on display, equipped with a powerful 2.0 Multijet II 140 HP engine combined with the innovative 9 gear automatic engine and all-wheel drive. The first has a Giallo Amalfi metallic livery, whereas the second showcases the exclusive three-layer Rosso Amore metallic paint.
Fiat 500
The Fiat 500 Vintage ’57 that honours the Made in Italy icon of 1957 débuts in Geneva with its contemporary interpretation of certain stylistic features that made it famous in the 60’s and 70’s. The exterior is distinguished by the pastel blue body combined with the white of the roof, spoiler, antenna, mirror covers, as well as the 16″ white chrome vintage alloy rims that recall the rims used on the historical 500.
The retro appearance of the Fiat 500 Vintage ’57 can also be found inside with the white dashboard and elegant upholstery in tobacco Frau leather with ‘half-moon’ inserts (stylistic feature of the model) in ivory leather with tobacco coloured “500” embroidery. Its vintage look is also underlined by the historical Fiat logos located both outside as well as on the steering wheel.
Its wide range of standard equipment includes a manual climate control system, Blue&Me system, CD+MP3 radio, ABS with EBD, 7 airbags, Start&Stop system, ESP complete with ASR/MSR, HBA and Hill Holder. Available for sale starting in March, the new Vintage ’57 special series will be available with 1.2 69 HP, 0.9 Twin Air 65 HP, 0.9 Twin Air 85 HP and 0.9 Twin Air 105 HP petrol engines as well as the 1.3 Multijet 95 HP diesel engine. Depending on the markets, there will be differences in equipment, both standard and optional, in order to satisfy the specific requirements of the individual countries.
In addition to this special vintage version, there is also an 500C “S” model that has an exclusive Blu Italia body with 16″ alloy rims and is made even more exclusive due to its distinctive elements such as the side skirts, rear spoiler and sporty bumpers.
This same “aggressive” look is found inside, as demonstrated by the enveloping and sporty seats with black 3D weft fabric with blue inserts, the dashboard strip in satin-finish grey and leather trim with red stitching on the steering wheel and gearshift cover. The “S” model is completed with the Blue&Me system, steering wheel with radio controls, automatic climate control system, rear privacy glass, Xenon headlights, parking sensors and fog lights.
The vehicle displayed is equipped with the revolutionary two-cylinder 0.9 Twin Air 105 HP engine, combined with a 6 gear manual gearbox, ensuring excellent performance: a top speed of 188 km/h with acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in just 10 seconds. It achieves all this while being at the top of its category for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions: the results for the combined cycle are respectively 4.2 litres/100 km and 99 g/km.
Fiat 500L
The exhibition of the 500 family is completed by the model that combines the iconic nature of the 500 style with the functionality of the Made in Fiat design. This special alchemy has resulted in the ‘City Lounge Fiat’, a new approach to a city car that is an emotional reformulation of the compact vehicle category for the modern family.
Beautiful outside and spacious inside, the 500L has space for all the little pleasures and large emotions of life: children, friends, trips, music and community. Simply put, it is the ideal car in which the modern family meets and grows up, just like the 500L itself is the first example of the “500 family” growing up, a prelude to future evolutions.
In Geneva, the public can admire an elegant Lounge version with a metallic grey livery and equipped with the brilliant 1.4 16v T-Jet with 120 HP that represents the ideal solution for those who are looking for a vehicle that is easy to handle in city traffic, keeping operating costs down: in fact, equipped in this manner the Fiat 500L reaches a top speed of 189 km/h and accelerates from 0 to 100 in 10.2 seconds.
There is also a 500L Trekking 1.6 Multijet 120 HP at the stand. This model has two perfectly integrated spirits that cross-over on a daily basis: a metropolitan side for enjoying the city without a care in style, and a more assertive side, which is ideal for the weekends with family and friends. The exhibited vehicle presents the new Turchese Pantelleria livery and is equipped with some Mopar accessories that accentuate this dual spirit, such as the useful protective tray in the boot, the jacket hook behind the headrests, a fragrance dispenser and a special sill plate. Particular attention is also paid to design, with the satin-finish chromed moulding on the bonnet and the valve caps with the Fiat logo.
Fiat Panda
Visitors to the Geneva Car Show can have an advanced view of the new special Panda K-Way® series created out of the collaboration between Fiat and the top brand of casual and fashionable rainproof garments, these two brands are famous worldwide for their classic, contemporary, technological, functional, colourful and intelligent products.
Under the sign of customisation freedom taken to the max, the Panda K-Way® offers 20 possible exterior combinations by mixing and matching paint colour and the external elements (mirror caps and hubcaps).Distinguished by its titanium-coloured details: front logo bar, longitudinal bars and mirror covers. These covers, as well as the rear doors, display K-Way® stickers ,whereas the hubcaps incorporate the K-Way® logo. The mirrors and hubcaps are available in four colours (yellow, orange, blue and titanium) and the body is available in six colours, blue, white, black, red, yellow and orange.
Inside, you immediately notice the blue fabric and grey eco-leather seats with the K-Way® logo visible on the front seat, as well as the blue dashboard and silver ultrashine instrument panel. The K-way logo also appears on the customised seatbelts and on the blue multilayer PVC mats. Last but not least, the front seats have two pockets on the seat back equipped with “VISIBAG®”, the high-visibility vest – pocket safety device created ad hoc for Fiat by its partner K-Way.
Sold starting from the end of April, the Panda K-Way will arrive in Fiat showrooms in Italy in May and progressively in all European markets. In Geneva, the displayed vehicle has a captivating blue livery with orange details and is equipped with the brilliant 0.9 Twin Air 85 HP engine.
Finally, the collaboration between Fiat and K-Way® will continue with a specially licensed range of accessories and merchandise. A selection of prototypes of these exclusive products will be showcased for visitors to admire at Geneva.
In addition to the Panda K-Way, there is also the Cross version, the top of the range due to its unique style that conquers lovers of adventure and life outdoors. For them, the Panda Cross adopts a permanent “torque on demand” all-wheel drive system that uses two different differentials and an electronically controlled coupling as well as the Terrain Control switch that makes it possible to select the all-wheel drive mode based on the driving conditions, selecting between three options (Auto, Lock and Hill Descent). The vehicle on display at Geneva is distinguished by a bright red body and is equipped with the brilliant 1.3 Multijet II 80 HP turbodiesel engine.
Fiat Doblò Trekking
The previously unseen Trekking version of the new Doblò is on display at Geneva with the standard “Traction+” system for traction control that increases vehicle drive on difficult terrains with poor grip, guaranteeing optimal release performance when starting and providing optimal performance when driving in light off-road conditions.
The Trekking version provides more selection for the Fiat Active Family Space and is able to satisfy the needs of a modern and dynamic family that uses it every day of the week, both on work days as well as on the weekend without any space or usability limits.
Outside, the new version displays special side moulding with the “Trekking” logo, new designed 16″ alloy rims and new front and rear bumpers as well as a raised chassis and an under-engine guard that makes it possible to safely drive on uneven roads.
The immediate eye catchers in the interior are the new dashboard with eco-leather treatment, the new seats in fabric and eco-leather with double stitching and the new door panels also in eco-leather. Also available upon request is the extremely useful “capucine”, a convenient open compartment located high up, both in the central area as well as in the rear area of the vehicle, which can be reached both from the boot as well as from the rear seats.
Fiat Freemont Cross
There is also space for the Freemont Cross model, which proposes an updated look that sets it apart from the rest of the range. Merit of the new front bumper with Platinum Chrome inserts, the front grille and the fog light frames in glossy black, the side skirts in Platinum Chrome and the roof racks in the same colour, in addition to the black frames of the front and rear light units, and the rear bumper with and underbody protection insert in Platinum Chrome. Furthermore, Freemont Cross features 19″ five spoke “Hyper Black” burnished alloy rims.
The model on display is equipped with the performing 2.0 Multijet II 170 HP engine combined with a 6 gear automatic transmission and active All-Wheel-Drive (AWD). The standard equipment package is very impressive and includes, for example, a map satellite navigator with an 8.4″ Touch Screen, DVD and SD slot radio, Bluetooth connection, rear parking camera and Premium Alpine sound system with 6 speakers, 368 watt amplifier and subwoofer. All of this contributes towards making this exclusive version truly unique. Furthermore, the standard equipment also includes electric, heated and foldable side mirrors, six airbags, lighted cup holders, Keyless Entry and Keyless Go with a start button, and audio and speed adjustment controls on the steering wheel.
Stand Fiat
Inspired by the “X” of the new Fiat crossover, the stand in Geneva welcomes the public with elegance and Italian taste. The centre showcases some examples of the 500X, surrounded by other vehicles – 500, Panda, Doblò, 500L and Freemont – almost as a symbolic embrace of the newest arrival to the Fiat family.
There is also a dedicated space where some K-way brand garments can be admired together with the new merchandising collection created by Mopar for the new Fiat 500X.
Finally, by distributing information and displaying some dedicated material at the stand, the public can learn more about the products of the FCA Bank, a financing company specialised in the automotive sector. The company operates in the main European markets and in Switzerland with FCA Capital Suisse SA, with a single mission: supporting automotive sales for all FCA brands by offering innovative financial products complete with added value services dedicated to the dealer network, private customers and companies.
The première of the Fiat 500X with an automatic dual clutch transmissionGlobal début of the new 500X equipped with the innovative latest generation automatic dual clutch transmission, ensuring continuous torque and traction delivery without any loss of power while shifting gears.
Available within the next few months in combination with the 1.4 Turbo MultiAir II 140 HP engine and front-wheel drive, the new version does not only aim to satisfy the needs for comfort and ease of use typical of an automatic transmission, but together with the appreciated dynamic characteristics of the 500X, its purpose is to become a point of reference in the category for performance and driving pleasure.
Technically, the system consists of two automated transmissions, one with the even gears and the other with the odd gears positioned in parallel. The gear is engaged in one of the two, whereas the other continues to provide traction with the other gear. The effective gear change is obtained by modulating the corresponding clutches in order to guarantee continuous traction during the entire manoeuvre. The clutches are the “dry” type to minimise impact on the vehicle and to maximise the efficiency of the entire system.
The 6-gear, dual clutch automatic transmission interacts with all the vehicle’s electronic systems. For better road performance, depending on driving conditions and the driver’s style, the transmission continuously “communicates” with the “Mood Selector” switch, and therefore with the braking and steering systems in addition to the engine control unit and the vehicle stability control system.
The dual clutch automatic transmission can be used in automatic or sequential mode, depending on if the driver is looking for a more comfortable or a more sporty driving style; the gear changes can be carried out in sequential mode using the UP and DOWN positions of the gearbox lever, or using the steering wheel controls.
This innovative power unit has been completed by the adoption of the Start&Stop system, which makes it possible to additionally reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Fiat 500 Vintage ’57 previewThe Fiat 500 Vintage ’57 that honours the Made in Italy icon of 1957 is on show in Geneva with its contemporary interpretation of certain stylistic features that made it famous in the 60’s and 70’s. Starting with the colour of the pastel blue body that combines perfectly with the white of the roof, spoiler, antenna, mirror covers, as well as the 16″ white chrome vintage alloy rims that recall the rims used on the historical 500.
Just like the exterior, also the interior of the Fiat 500 Vintage ’57 is the result of a modern reinterpretation of some particular aspects of the historical 500 as demonstrated by the use of white and the elegant two-tone (vintage effect) upholstery in tobacco Frau leather with ‘half-moon’ inserts (stylistic feature of the model) in ivory leather with tobacco coloured “500” embroidery. Its vintage look is also underlined by the historical Fiat logos located both outside as well as on the steering wheel.
Of course, beyond its retro look, the Fiat 500 Vintage ’57 offers the best technology, safety and onboard comfort available today. This is demonstrated by the manual climate control system, Blue&Me system, CD+MP3 radio, ABS with EBD, 7 airbags, Start&Stop system, ESP complete with ASR/MSR, HBA and Hill Holder. Depending on the markets, there will be differences in equipment, both standard and optional, in order to satisfy the specific requirements of the individual countries.
Therefore with the Vintage ’57 special series, the 500 model continues to be in the limelight, confirming its position as an icon of Made in Italy, both yesterday and today, able to satisfy everyone who wants to have fun and go everywhere behind the wheel of car rich in history, emotion and charm.
What is more, some of the objects that derive from the creativity of Italian industry after the war, such as the 500 or the Vespa, cannot be judged merely by their appearance, nor do they only represent a good engineering achievement in which the form serves a function. They are instead powerful alchemies, with a revolutionary design and concept that redefine common points of reference and comparison in order to take root forever in our collective memory. When this occurs, essential masterpieces are created in the history of industry. The Fiat 500 is one of them, a story experienced twice.
The first is the story of a large number of car owners, lovers and enthusiasts who promoted the image of a good, reliable and economic car but, even more, who elevated it to be an expression of part of their own lives, something that evokes a cheerful and carefree attitude. The 500 is linked with memories, good friends, your first love, it evokes images of a positive past that in some way many people would like to rediscover. In fact, the arrival of the 500 by Dante Giacosa, on 4 July 1957, closed a cycle of rebirth after the devastation of the war, ending a period of radical renovation of the Fiat range, thereby starting a cycle of successes over the next decade, which was a period that can be considered as one of the most dazzling in the hundred year history of the brand.
The parallel with the new 500 is evident, which in 2007, thanks to its stylistic and technological strengths, represented the start of a new era for the Fiat brand. It is from here that the story restarts. It would be too simplistic to “confine” the phenomena of the new 500 within the limits of a simple, nostalgic exercise of re-interpretation. Fiat’s goal was not to design a car that “looks like” a 500, but that “is” again the 500. In fact, the 2007 model reflects the original concept of the form and function to evoke, as is correct in this type of case, all those emotions, memories, values that make all those “iconic” objects eternal, raising them up beyond the restricting dimension of a category. A closer look must above all point out the innovations that this model has introduced for the first time at this product level: the first car in its segment that obtained 5 EuroNCAP stars, the first to propose such a large range of vehicles, the first to offer all Euro 5 engines, the first to launch the revolutionary two-cylinder 0.9 Twin Air.
Produced since 2007 in Poland and since 2010 also in Toluca (Mexico), the Fiat 500 is sold in more than 100 countries world-wide and even marked the return of the Fiat brand in the United States. A global model that, as of today, has surpassed the level of 1.5 million registrations. The secrets of its global success certainly includes Fiat’s ability to evolve with new interpretations – from the 500 Abarth (2008) to the 500 GQ (2013) up to the latest version, the 500 “Ron Arad Edition”, the new limited version that celebrates the union between the Fiat model and one of the most important international designers – but also its ability to explore new territory, creating a likeable and accessible family of cars that guarantee a maximum degree of choice and use: the result has been the 500L (2012), the 500L Trekking, the 500L Living (2013) and the brand new 500X (2014).
Fiat Panda K-Way® previewThe new Panda K-Way® débuts in Geneva, created out of the collaboration between Fiat and the top brand of casual and fashionable rainproof garments. Together for the first time, these two famous brands have much in common with their classical, contemporary, technological, functional, colourful and intelligent products.
Available starting from the end of April, the new Panda version will arrive in the Fiat showrooms in Italy in May and progressively in all European markets. Created based on the Easy version, this vehicle mainly targets young people and is particularly appealing to female clients thanks to the international appeal of the K-Way® brand. Its innovative lines as well as colour selection are irresistible to customers who are more attentive to urban style.
In particular, the features of the exteriors and interiors play on the colour matching between the symbol colours of K-Way (yellow, orange and blue) and the elegant titanium colour of some of the details such as the front logo bar, the longitudinal bars and the mirror covers. These covers, as well as the rear doors, display K-Way® stickers, whereas the hubcaps incorporate the K-Way® logo.
The mirrors and hubcaps are available in four colours (yellow, orange, blue and titanium) and the body is available in six colours, blue, white, black, red, yellow and orange. The Panda K-Way® offers 20 possible colour combinations between the colour of the body and of the external elements (covers and hubcaps).
The Panda K-Way® interiors are distinguished by the blue/grey tonal eco-leather seats with the K-Way® logo visible on the front seat. The same symbol also appears on the seatbelts and on the blue multilayer PVC mats. The tradition of the brand can also be seen with the blue dashboard and the silver ultrashine instrument panel. Last but not least, the front seats have two pockets on the seat back equipped with “VISIBAG®”, the high-visibility vest – pocket safety device created ad hoc for Fiat by its partner K-Way®.
At its launch, the Panda K-Way® will be available with 1.2 69 HP and 0.9 TwinAir (65 or 85 HP) petrol engines as well as the bi-fuel 0.9 TwinAir methane 80 HP and 1.2 LPG 69 HP engines. The 1.3 Multijet turbodiesel engine will be added later to the range.
There are three standard versions, including: Blue&me with steering wheel controls, CD/Mp3 radio with 6 speakers, ABS+BAS+EBD, front and rear headrests, 4 airbags (driver, front passenger and window bags), GSI (Gear Shift Indicator), Start&Stop system (TwinAir and Multijet engines only).
Finally, the collaboration between Fiat and K-Way® will continue with a specific licensing line for accessories and merchandising that the public at Geneva can be the first to see, with the exhibition of some prototypes of these exclusive products.
About K-Way®
The K-Way® brand is owned by BasicNet SpA, a company that also owns Kappa®, Robe di Kappa®, Lanzera®, Jesus® Jeans, Superga®, AnziBesson® and Sabelt®, leading brands in clothing, footwear and accessories for sport and free-time. BasicNet operates world-wide through a network of licensed companies who produce or distribute the Group brands products. BasicNet provides them with research and development as well as product industrialisation and global marketing services. All of these company processes take place exclusively via the internet, which makes BasicNet a “fully web integrated company”. BasicNet, headquartered in Turin, has been listed on the Italian stock market since 1999.
Fiat Doblò Trekking previewDébut of the new Doblò Trekking, which will be available in the coming months, positioned as the ideal answer for anyone who drives mainly in the city but wants to be able to drive safely on roads with poor grip while enjoying outdoor activities. A merit of the exclusive “outdoor” features of the exterior, the adoption of “Traction+” as well as 10 mm raised chassis height.
The special technology of the new model is “Traction+”, which is an innovative traction control system that increases vehicle drive on difficult terrains with poor grip while being a less expensive solution than a 4×4 drive, guaranteeing optimal release performance when starting.
The exterior displays special side moulding with the “Trekking” logo, new designed 16″ alloy rims and new front and rear bumpers as well as a raised chassis and an under-engine guard that makes it possible to drive on uneven roads. The Trekking version also débuts a new body colour: Bronzo Magnetico.
Distinguished by the brown colour specific to this version, the interiors reflect the solutions adopted for the Lounge version, but with some important exceptions: starting with the specific colour, a new dashboard variant with an eco-leather treatment, the new seats in fabric and eco-leather with double stitching and the new door panels also in eco-leather. Another innovation of the Trekking version is the extremely useful “capucine”, a convenient open compartment located high up, both in the central area as well as in the rear area of the vehicle, which can be reached both from the boot as well as from the rear seats. Offered upon request, it is added to the compartment located standard at the top on the windscreen.
The entire range is also enriched with numerous, practical storage compartments – which today are also larger – such as the glove compartment with slowed opening, which can hold a 10″ tablet or the door panel which has space for 3 bottles and a tablet at the same time. In short, there are truly many intelligent solutions that help optimise the use of the interior space, satisfying the needs of those who make the new Doblò the car to use with family and friends.
The wide range of standard equipment includes the ESP system and the Hill Holder function, “Traction+” traction control, manual climate control system, fog lights, retractable rear-view mirrors, front armrest, rigid repositionable rear shelf, front and side airbags, rear seat monitoring mirror, privacy glass, dedicated 16″ alloy rims, lower engine protection, specific raised suspension height and All Season tyres.
Upon customer request, the Doblò Trekking can be equipped with some useful devices such as rear parking sensors, Cruise Control, leather steering wheel with radio controls, leather gearbox cover, roof rails and 5″ Uconnect multimedia system, also with navigation.
In short, the Trekking version is the perfect choice for an active family space, a true “catalyst of life” which makes any situation possible and simple to experience: an active, lively, flexible space that can be transformed as needed.
The new Doblò is now in its fourth generation with a completely new exterior and interior design that is able to express dynamism and personality with its more distinctive forms and lines. Also the technological equipment has been enriched with new innovative contents that are easy to use and that make driving in the new Doblò a pleasure for anyone. The most interesting contents include the Uconnect multimedia system with a 5″ colour touchscreen that, upon request, can include integrated navigation and digital audio broadcasting (DAB).
An environment that is enjoyable for those who are travelling, who love to be with friends or for those who select it as a partner for their free time. Whatever your passion or use for the vehicle is, the interior space of the new Doblò is very modular – which has always been a strong point of this model – offering up to 7 seats, a large boot that is at the top of its segment (from 790 litres in standard configuration and 3,200 litres with the rear seats folded down), numerous compartments and the useful, always standard, split rear seat (60/40).
Plus, the new Doblò guarantees the best handling in its category – also thanks to the Bi-link suspensions, the only in its segment – and a high level of well-being onboard due to the very bright, airy compartment with excellent climatic and acoustic comfort.
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