Τα νέα Ginetta G60 και G40R θα παρουσιάστουν στο Salon Prive
Η βρετανική εταιρία κατασκευής ειδικών χειροποίητων αυτοκινήτων, Ginetta, θα παρουσιάσει στις 4 Σεπτεμβρίου στο Salon Privé που θα γίνει στο Λονδίνο το νέο G60 και G40R.
To πρώτο θα ζυγίζει μόλις 1.080 κιλά εξαιτίας του bodykit από carbon και μηχανικά φοράει έναν V6 3.7-λίτρων κινητήρα προερχόμενος από το Ford Mustang ο οποίος αποδίδει 310 άλογα. Το σύνολο φτάνει τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 4.9 δευτ. ενώ η τελική του ταχύτητα
Από την άλλη το G40R αποτελεί την έκδοση δρόμου του αγωνιστικού G40, με το βάρος του να είναι μόλις 850 κιλά. Κάτω από το καπό κάθεται ένας 2-λιτρος τετρακύλινδρος κινητήρας απόδοσης 200 ίππων, που επιταχύνει το αυτοκίνητο για τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 5.9 δευτ. με τη τελική του να φτάνει τα 225 χλμ/ώρα.
Μαζί με τα δύο νέα αυτοκίνητα η εταιρία θα φέρει και μια σειρά ακριβού ρουχισμού που “θα αντανακλά” την κληρονομιά της εταιρίας στο μηχανοκίνητο αθλητισμό.
[Πηγή: Ginetta]
Salon Privé 2013 – 4th to 6th September
Syon Park, London, 20 August 2013 – British marque Ginetta confirms it will be in attendance at Salon Privé 2013 with the G40R and the G60.
Possessing over 50 years experience in race engineering and racing itself, the Ginetta name has become synonymous with performance automobile manufacturing. Ginetta’s two road cars, to be displayed at this September’s Salon Privé, illustrate the manufacturer’s diversity in terms of car production.
In 2005 Ginetta was taken over by enthusiast and racing driver, Lawrence Tomlinson, and within six months the G50 had been built. In 2006, Tomlinson and the Ginetta factory Team LNT entered and won the GT2 class of the Le Mans 24 hour race.
Ginetta won ‘Small Business of the Year’ from the Motorsport Industry Association in 2008, illustrating Tomlinson’s positive impact on the company, and Team LNT continue to be a dominant force in GT racing today, with their G50 GT4 & G55 GT3 models.
With both cars hand built in Yorkshire, the G60 is famed for its design features and performance specifications, the same you would expect of any modern supercar. Boasting a lightweight carbon fibre body and a 310 bhp power plant, the car delivers a 0-62 mph time of 4.9 seconds and a top speed of 165 mph.
In keeping with one of the main themes at Salon Privé, much of the technology behind the G60 is of a bespoke nature; the suspension for example has been completely designed in-house by Ginetta’s CAD team. Not only this, the ECU and harness wiring are tailor made for improved reliability and the driver’s position has been fully re-evaluated.
The G40R is of a different nature to the G60, however that is not to say the car is any less significant; as a road-going version of the famous Ginetta G40 sports car, it has the looks and specifications of a full on racing thoroughbred.
It only takes the G40R one second more than the G60 to reach 62 mph and has an impressive 200bhp. ‘A race car for the road,’ the G40R shares a number of characteristics with its G40 racing sibling, representing the culmination of Ginetta’s racing pedigree translated perfectly into a road car.
Following on Ginetta’s history within racing it is proud to announce the launch of Ginetta Lifestyle at Salon Privé.
Lifestyle is a luxury clothing collection reflecting Ginetta’s heritage within Motorsport.
Designed for the modern man, versatile and contemporary in fit, it offers the perfect wardrobe whether at the circuit, going on a road trip or everyday life.
Salon Privé is the perfect platform for showcasing key pieces of the collection as lifestyle upholds Ginetta’s core traditions of car manufacturing, every garment is designed and handmade in Britain offering only the best for their customers.
Tickets for Salon Privé can be purchased at www.salonprivelondon.com or by calling the Ticket Hotline on 0808 100 2205. Entry is fully inclusive of Pommery champagne, lobster luncheon, English afternoon tea and full access to all areas.
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