Το Subaru EyeSight μειώνει τα ατυχήματα κατά 2/3

17:46 1/2/2016 - Πηγή: AutoBlog

Η Subaru επικαλούμενη μια ιαπωνική μελέτη για τα τροχαία ατυχήματα αναφέρει πως το EyeSight σύστημα της ευθύνεται για την μείωση κατά 61% των ατυχημάτων. Σύμφωνα με την έρευνα, τα αυτοκίνητα παραγωγής 2010-2014, που ήταν εξοπλισμένα με το σύστημα EyeSight, είχαν 84% λιγότερα ατυχήματα που αφορούν σύγκρουση στο πίσω μέρος του αυτοκινήτου, σε σχέση με τα αυτοκίνητα που δεν έχουν το σύστημα. Παράλληλα το σύστημα οδήγησε σε μείωση 62% των ατυχημάτων μεταξύ αυτοκινήτων, αλλά και μείωση 49% μεταξύ των ατυχημάτων ανάμεσα σε αυτοκίνητο

και πεζούς.

Το σύστημα Eyesight διαθέτει τις λειτουργίες adaptive cruise control, προειδοποίηση αλλαγής λωρίδας και Pre-Collision Braking, Blind Spot Detection (εντοπισμός τυφλού σημείου), Lane Change Assist (υποβοήθηση αλλαγής λωρίδας) αλλά και Rear Cross Traffic Alert system που αναγνωρίζει οχήματα έως και 7 μέτρα πίσω από το αυτοκίνητο.

Δελτίο Τύπου


Survey of traffic accidents in Japan reveals 84% fewer rear-end collisions and 62% reduction in vehicle-to-vehicle crashesEyeSight safety technology fitted as standard to Subaru Outback in the UK

Subaru has released data from a survey of traffic accidents involving Subaru vehicles in Japan which reveals a 61% reduction in crashes for vehicles equipped with the company’s advanced EyeSight collision avoidance technology.

Subaru analysed a range of traffic accident data involving the company’s vehicles from 2010 to 2014*, and found that vehicles equipped with EyeSight had 84% fewer rear-end collisions than those without, when measured in terms of accidents per 10,000 vehicles. The adoption of EyeSight resulted in 62% fewer vehicle-to-vehicle collisions and a 49% reduction in vehicle-to-pedestrian crashes.

Fitted as standard to every Subaru Outback sold in the UK with a Lineartronic (CVT) transmission, EyeSight acts as a ‘second pair of eyes’ for drivers by employing stereo colour camera technology to monitor the road and traffic ahead for potential hazards. EyeSight’s two colour cameras are located either side of the rear view mirror to detect the presence of vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and other hazards up to 110 metres in front.

EyeSight features six technologies to maximise safety: Pre-collision Braking, Pre-collision Throttle Management, Adaptive Cruise Control, Lane Departure & Sway Warning, Pre-collision Steering Assist and Lead Vehicle Start Alert.

EyeSight is a major contributing factor to the Outback’s maximum five-star Euro NCAP crash test safety rating. The technology has also resulted in a ‘Top Safety Pick+’ rating by the USA’s Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), and the top ‘Advanced Safety Vehicle-Plus’ rating under the Japan NCAP safety test.

To find out more about Subaru’s EyeSight collision avoidance technology and the Subaru Outback, visitwww.subaru.co.uk.

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