Το “νέο” Fisker Karma θα κατασκευάζεται στην Αμερική

Η αναβίωση της Fisker αποκτά σιγά-σιγά σάρκα και οστά, με την Fisker Automotive να ανακοινώσει πως σε συνεργασία με την Technology Group (FATG) θα κατασκευάζουν τα νέα Karma, στις νέες εγκαταστάσεις παραγωγής που θα δημιουργήσουν στο Moreno Valley, κοντά στην έδρα της εταιρίας στην περιοχή Costa Mesa της Καλιφόρνια των Η.Π.Α. Η FATG θα κατασκευάζει τα νέα

Karma και από εκεί θα εξάγονται σε όλο τον κόσμο, με την εταιρία να δηλώνει πως θα δημιουργήσει 150 θέσεις εργασίας.

Να θυμίσω, πως η Fisker πλέον ανήκει στη κινέζικη Wanxiang, με την Φιλανδική Valmet να έχει αποσυναρμολογήσει τη γραμμή παραγωγής που κατασκεύαζε το Karma. Έτσι, η παραγωγή του πολυτελούς plu-in υβριδικού μοντέλου θα γίνεται αποκλειστικά στις Η.Π.Α.

Δελτίο Τύπου

Fisker Automotive and Technology Group Announces New Manufacturing Facility in California

COSTA MESA, CA–(Marketwired – Jun 16, 2015) – Fisker Automotive and Technology Group (FATG) announced today that it is ramping up its re-entry into the luxury automotive market by opening its first USA manufacturing facility in Moreno Valley, a short distance from their headquarters in Costa Mesa.

FATG will produce its flagship plug-in hybrid electric vehicle at this California manufacturing facility for worldwide sale. At the start of production, the company expects to create 150 full-time manufacturing jobs.

“FATG believes in the quality, work ethic and competitiveness of manufacturing in the United States,” said James Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer of FATG. “California’s natural beauty, trend setting, technology, and environmental focus are perfectly aligned with our Karma re-launch.”

Taylor added that “we also feel that the close proximity of this plant to our engineering and design headquarters will yield the highest quality product and maximum flexibility to meet our customers’ expectations.”

Enthusiastic support for this new endeavor has come from the highest levels in local and state government.

“The Governor has established ambitious goals for California to lead the world in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the development and adoption of clean vehicle technologies. I am proud to welcome Fisker Automotive’ s new advanced manufacturing vehicle technology plant in Moreno Valley, California,” said Michael Rossi, Senior Advisor on Jobs and Business Development to California Governor Jerry Brown.

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