Clothes washed together and became... pink!
16:34 11/3/2012
- Πηγή: Ksipnistere
Published in the Greek blogs (in Greek rext) 10/ March/ 2012
Searching for a title for this article I suddenly recalled the verse from the song of my compatriote Giannis Miliokas (first performance Giannis Miliokas-Afrodite Manou and then Alexiou-Parios) and I am using it without asking his permission:
"... How you changed, how I changed / my dreams
red / my dreams white/ clothes washed together and.....
turned pink ..."
I suggested the other day in my article posted on the Greek blogs under the title "the words lost their meanings" where, as a Nation and a people, "our leaders" as heads of PASOK and ND have brought us basing their “supposed” ideological rivalries the former on being “progressive” and the latter on being “conservative". In bringing us to the current status quo the two major leading political parties had the full, unofficial but practical and real help, engulfing public opinion in ideological saturation on almost a 24-hour basis, of the "supposedly" self-governed and independent Greek Media (press, television, radio). PASOK and ND were thus able to govern us for 38 consecutive years (1974-2012) after the fall of the Junta.
The responsibilities for today’s problems, however, can not and should not be exhausted by assigning them exclusively to the leaders of the bipartisan political system who headed PASOK and ND, but must eventually be relegated and proportionately allocated to the thousands of “green” and “blue” party cohorts who staffed:
First, the legislative “estate” where with the devastating one-party majorities in Parliament they have voted and passed laws that brought us as a nation and people while, at the same time, they also passed legislation that abdicated themselves of any and all responsibility for intentional or unintentional and even catastrophic…“wrongdoing”,
Second, the Executive “estate” where by the thousands they were enthroned to seats of power, carrying immense salaries and golden social status, by their party leaders under the absolute authority provided by the Single-Party governments during the last 38 years.
I am publishing my thought today, after the PSI has been successful and a potentially painful “credit event” and a catastrophic “disorderly default” seems to have been averted by Greece FOR THE TIME BEING because the surrounding psychological atmosphere is starting to thicken with references to scenarios of continued “COALITION GOVERNMENT” between the current PASOK Government with 40 Ministers and the participation of New Democracy with 6 Ministers even if in the forthcoming (?) national elections New Democracy emerges as the Leading party and PASOK as the opposition party (which, if all go as currently seen, will be headed by Professor Venizelos who is now serving as Deputy Prime Minister and Czar of National Economic Ministry).
Is such a scenario ABSURD?
Not necessarily, since for the last three and during the next two months until May we do have
Searching for a title for this article I suddenly recalled the verse from the song of my compatriote Giannis Miliokas (first performance Giannis Miliokas-Afrodite Manou and then Alexiou-Parios) and I am using it without asking his permission:
"... How you changed, how I changed / my dreams
turned pink ..."
I suggested the other day in my article posted on the Greek blogs under the title "the words lost their meanings" where, as a Nation and a people, "our leaders" as heads of PASOK and ND have brought us basing their “supposed” ideological rivalries the former on being “progressive” and the latter on being “conservative". In bringing us to the current status quo the two major leading political parties had the full, unofficial but practical and real help, engulfing public opinion in ideological saturation on almost a 24-hour basis, of the "supposedly" self-governed and independent Greek Media (press, television, radio). PASOK and ND were thus able to govern us for 38 consecutive years (1974-2012) after the fall of the Junta.
The responsibilities for today’s problems, however, can not and should not be exhausted by assigning them exclusively to the leaders of the bipartisan political system who headed PASOK and ND, but must eventually be relegated and proportionately allocated to the thousands of “green” and “blue” party cohorts who staffed:
First, the legislative “estate” where with the devastating one-party majorities in Parliament they have voted and passed laws that brought us as a nation and people while, at the same time, they also passed legislation that abdicated themselves of any and all responsibility for intentional or unintentional and even catastrophic…“wrongdoing”,
Second, the Executive “estate” where by the thousands they were enthroned to seats of power, carrying immense salaries and golden social status, by their party leaders under the absolute authority provided by the Single-Party governments during the last 38 years.
I am publishing my thought today, after the PSI has been successful and a potentially painful “credit event” and a catastrophic “disorderly default” seems to have been averted by Greece FOR THE TIME BEING because the surrounding psychological atmosphere is starting to thicken with references to scenarios of continued “COALITION GOVERNMENT” between the current PASOK Government with 40 Ministers and the participation of New Democracy with 6 Ministers even if in the forthcoming (?) national elections New Democracy emerges as the Leading party and PASOK as the opposition party (which, if all go as currently seen, will be headed by Professor Venizelos who is now serving as Deputy Prime Minister and Czar of National Economic Ministry).
Is such a scenario ABSURD?
Not necessarily, since for the last three and during the next two months until May we do have
pink, greek, blogs, performance, red, white, lost, people, pasok, status, major, full, real, public, independent, media, press, radio, system, party, parliament, time, power, golden, absolute, today, psi, government, democracy, professor, τι ειναι το psi, blogs, lost, people, public, real, time, absolute, democracy, full, golden, government, greek, independent, major, media, pasok, pink, power, professor, parliament, party, red, single, system, status, today, performance
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