More words without…meanings!
12:53 14/3/2012
- Πηγή: Ksipnistere
by Professor Giorgos Piperopoulos
The much discussed "haircut" of Greek bonds (PSI) came to an end and was followed by publicly expressed exuberant statements by both professor Venizelos (the SINGLE and favourite candidate for the Chairmanship of PASOK
who will most probably be voted into office with a very large majority) and by Dr Papademos, while Greek public opinion was utterly impressed with the deafening SILENCE of Mr Samaras ....(How are your "renegotiations" going Mr Samaras?;)
Subsequently since there were some private investors who refused to participate in the "haircut" voluntarily, (a reality which could create problems for the integration of the PSI and the.......
second European package of 130 billion Euros) initially Mr Venizelos as Greece’s Economic Czar and then unanimously the Greek Cabinet FORCED the "deniers" to accept the “haircut" imposed on them ...
This announcement of such a decision by Greek Government led the ISDA and International Financial Houses to trigger the CDS since by making participation in the famed PSI "mandatory» OFFICIALLY Greece has caused a "credit event" and is now in the status of "controlled" (but not "uncontrolled") bankruptcy!..
If Greece went out today to borrow from the international financial markets, if such loans were granted to the “technically bankrupt" country, they would bear an interest rate, please take a deep breath, close to 40%!..
Professor Venizelos in his exuberant statement described as "important and historic this day while he removed from the shoulders of the Greek people a national debt of 100 billion euro!...He did not say, however, how many billions of euro under this new arrangement future generations of Greeks will have to repay to our Lenders...
Even If we accepted what you told us my esteemed university colleague, Deputy Prime Minister for Finance and soon Chairman of PASOK we still did not hear from you, despite the easiness which distinguishes you in your verbal rhetorical positions:
How these incredible figures of the financial obligations of Greece and the Greeks were amassed and by whom they were created?
Will any member of the Political Systems that rules Greece for the last 38 years as Prime Ministers, Ministers, MPs and managers of public companies and service institutions ever be held accountable for having brought us to this dramatic, pitiful and catastrophic end as a people and a Nation?
And the Prime Minister Dr Papademos, in his Statement to the people said among other things "the PSI now opens the prospects for the second bail out MEMORANDUM of 130 billion euro and better future and growth for our economy"
Showing good will let us say that the Greeks accept what you said dear former Governor of the Bank of Greece, former Deputy Governor of the European Central Bank, former Advisor of the Prime Ministers of PASOK Mr Papandreou and Simitis and current Prime Minister of Greece.
But how do you as a Doctor in e
The much discussed "haircut" of Greek bonds (PSI) came to an end and was followed by publicly expressed exuberant statements by both professor Venizelos (the SINGLE and favourite candidate for the Chairmanship of PASOK
Subsequently since there were some private investors who refused to participate in the "haircut" voluntarily, (a reality which could create problems for the integration of the PSI and the.......
second European package of 130 billion Euros) initially Mr Venizelos as Greece’s Economic Czar and then unanimously the Greek Cabinet FORCED the "deniers" to accept the “haircut" imposed on them ...
This announcement of such a decision by Greek Government led the ISDA and International Financial Houses to trigger the CDS since by making participation in the famed PSI "mandatory» OFFICIALLY Greece has caused a "credit event" and is now in the status of "controlled" (but not "uncontrolled") bankruptcy!..
If Greece went out today to borrow from the international financial markets, if such loans were granted to the “technically bankrupt" country, they would bear an interest rate, please take a deep breath, close to 40%!..
Professor Venizelos in his exuberant statement described as "important and historic this day while he removed from the shoulders of the Greek people a national debt of 100 billion euro!...He did not say, however, how many billions of euro under this new arrangement future generations of Greeks will have to repay to our Lenders...
Even If we accepted what you told us my esteemed university colleague, Deputy Prime Minister for Finance and soon Chairman of PASOK we still did not hear from you, despite the easiness which distinguishes you in your verbal rhetorical positions:
How these incredible figures of the financial obligations of Greece and the Greeks were amassed and by whom they were created?
Will any member of the Political Systems that rules Greece for the last 38 years as Prime Ministers, Ministers, MPs and managers of public companies and service institutions ever be held accountable for having brought us to this dramatic, pitiful and catastrophic end as a people and a Nation?
And the Prime Minister Dr Papademos, in his Statement to the people said among other things "the PSI now opens the prospects for the second bail out MEMORANDUM of 130 billion euro and better future and growth for our economy"
Showing good will let us say that the Greeks accept what you said dear former Governor of the Bank of Greece, former Deputy Governor of the European Central Bank, former Advisor of the Prime Ministers of PASOK Mr Papandreou and Simitis and current Prime Minister of Greece.
But how do you as a Doctor in e
professor, haircut, greek, psi, end, single, pasok, office, public, european, euros, accept, government, led, isda, cds, status, today, people, debt, euro, future, finance, member, systems, rules, mps, central, papandreou, τι ειναι το psi, cds, office, people, public, accept, central, debt, euro, finance, future, government, greek, isda, led, member, mps, papandreou, pasok, professor, rules, single, systems, status, today, european
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