Ρωσία: Μαθήτρια άνοιξε πυρ σε σχολείο πριν αυτοκτονήσει – Ένας ακόμη νεκρός, πέντε τραυματίες (videos)

Μια 14χρονη μαθήτρια άνοιξε πυρ σήμερα στο σχολείο όπου φοιτούσε στην πόλη Μπριάνσκ της Ρωσίας.

Από τα πυρά σκοτώθηκε ένα άτομο, συμμαθητής της ή συμμαθήτριά της (δεν διευκρινίζεται ακόμη).

In the Russian city of Bryansk, an eighth-grade student opened fire on a group of classmates, using her father's gun. Two people

were killed in the shooting, including the perpetrator. She committed suicide.#Russia #Bryansk #Schoolshooting pic.twitter.com/k9WtuSVHaM

— Ulfh3dnar (@Ulfh3dnar_) December 7, 2023

Η 14χρονη στη συνέχεια αυτοκτόνησε.

#BREAKING: Video of the evacuation of kids from the school in Bryansk, Russia, where the shooting occurred. We remind you that the shooter was a girl of 14 years old. 2 dead, 4 wounded. The shooter committed suicide.#Russia #shooting #Putin #activeshooting #shooter pic.twitter.com/aizfcKRTgT

— Attentive Media (@AttentiveCEE) December 7, 2023

Η κρατική Ρωσική Ερευνητική Επιτροπή ανακοίνωσε ότι οι τραυματίες είναι πέντε.

Two people were killed & four others were injured in a mass shooting incident at a school in Russia’s Bryansk. Shooter among those killed.#Bryansk #Russia #Breaking
HOT, an online news outlet, claimed that the weapon involved was a hunting shotgun, which the girl allegedly… pic.twitter.com/tXxHpd9FAT

World News (@ferozwala) December 7, 2023

Η αστυνομία ερευνά τα αίτια του περιστατικού.

More footage from School No 5 in the Russian city of Bryansk, where a female year-8 student brought her father's shotgun into the school, shot 6 fellow students and then took her own life. pic.twitter.com/oaaViSNTmn

Bloomberg Whistleblower (@bloombergblower) December 7, 2023

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Τυχαία Θέματα
Ρωσία, Μαθήτρια,rosia, mathitria