U.S. Ties to Turkey Face New Strains
09:46 9/10/2011
- Πηγή: i-Reporter
By JAY SOLOMON in Washington and MARC CHAMPION in Istanbul
WASHINGTON—Escalating tensions in the Mediterranean are complicating the U.S.-Turkey alliance at a time when President Barack Obama views Ankara as central
to helping the U.S. manage the Middle East's political upheavals.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton privately has pressed Turkish officials to back off from their threats to send warships to waters around Cyprus in a dispute over energy deposits, according to U.S. officials. The top American diplomat cautioned that any escalation could jeopardize U.S. interests in the Mediterranean, as the gas fields are being jointly developed by Cyprus and Houston-based Noble Energy Inc.
U.S. officials also are concerned by Turkish threats to deploy naval vessels to accompany flotillas headed to the Palestinian territories, which could heighten the potential for a military conflict between Turkey and Israel, both close U.S. allies. American diplomats have worked to broker a rapprochement between Turkey and Israel, but officials in the White House and State Department acknowledge the rift could endure.
Some strategists in Washington and Europe are calling on the Obama administration to lay down stricter red lines in the Mediterranean, by using more aggressive diplomacy and the U.S. Navy. This is seen as crucial for guarding against any miscalculations by Turkey, Israel or Cyprus, though they acknowledge such steps could anger Ankara.
"I don't think the Turks are intent on starting hostilities, but you never know what can happen in this environment," said Morton Abramowitz, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey. He added that Washington needs to be up-front with Ankara and tell them that if conflict breaks out between Turkey and Israel, "We'll choose Israel."
Turkish officials stressed in interviews they aren't seeking a war with either Cyprus or Israel, and said Turkey has been forced to take action to guard against provocative steps by others. "Look, nobody wants any disasters here. We are aware of the situation," said a senior Turkish official.
Mr. Obama has cultivated Turkey as a major strategic partner since coming into office in 2009. White House officials say the U.S. president speaks regularly with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to coordinate on the political transformation in the Middle East and North Africa. And the Obama administration hailed Ankara's decision last month to house a North Atlantic Treaty Organization radar facility, which is focused on Iran's long-range missiles.
"Turkey is a NATO ally, a great friend and a partner on a whole host of issues," Mr. Obama said prior to a meeting with Mr. Erdogan last month.
Still, the deepening dispute between Turkey and Cyprus over energy exploration has placed Washington squarely in the middle.
Tensions flared last month when the Cypriot government announced that Noble Energy would begin drilling for gas in its E
WASHINGTON—Escalating tensions in the Mediterranean are complicating the U.S.-Turkey alliance at a time when President Barack Obama views Ankara as central
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton privately has pressed Turkish officials to back off from their threats to send warships to waters around Cyprus in a dispute over energy deposits, according to U.S. officials. The top American diplomat cautioned that any escalation could jeopardize U.S. interests in the Mediterranean, as the gas fields are being jointly developed by Cyprus and Houston-based Noble Energy Inc.
U.S. officials also are concerned by Turkish threats to deploy naval vessels to accompany flotillas headed to the Palestinian territories, which could heighten the potential for a military conflict between Turkey and Israel, both close U.S. allies. American diplomats have worked to broker a rapprochement between Turkey and Israel, but officials in the White House and State Department acknowledge the rift could endure.
Some strategists in Washington and Europe are calling on the Obama administration to lay down stricter red lines in the Mediterranean, by using more aggressive diplomacy and the U.S. Navy. This is seen as crucial for guarding against any miscalculations by Turkey, Israel or Cyprus, though they acknowledge such steps could anger Ankara.
"I don't think the Turks are intent on starting hostilities, but you never know what can happen in this environment," said Morton Abramowitz, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey. He added that Washington needs to be up-front with Ankara and tell them that if conflict breaks out between Turkey and Israel, "We'll choose Israel."
Turkish officials stressed in interviews they aren't seeking a war with either Cyprus or Israel, and said Turkey has been forced to take action to guard against provocative steps by others. "Look, nobody wants any disasters here. We are aware of the situation," said a senior Turkish official.
Mr. Obama has cultivated Turkey as a major strategic partner since coming into office in 2009. White House officials say the U.S. president speaks regularly with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to coordinate on the political transformation in the Middle East and North Africa. And the Obama administration hailed Ankara's decision last month to house a North Atlantic Treaty Organization radar facility, which is focused on Iran's long-range missiles.
"Turkey is a NATO ally, a great friend and a partner on a whole host of issues," Mr. Obama said prior to a meeting with Mr. Erdogan last month.
Still, the deepening dispute between Turkey and Cyprus over energy exploration has placed Washington squarely in the middle.
Tensions flared last month when the Cypriot government announced that Noble Energy would begin drilling for gas in its E
turkey, face, face, turkey, washington, time, president, obama, views, central, turkish, cyprus, energy, top, gas, noble, potential, military, israel, white, house, rift, europe, lay, red, lines, steps, ambassador, official, major, office, recep, erdogan, africa, nato, host, government, begin, africa, cyprus, obama, office, rift, steps, time, ambassador, begin, white, central, energy, erdogan, europe, front, gas, government, house, houston, host, israel, lay, lines, long, major, military, nato, noble, official, washington, potential, president, red, recep, turkish, top, views
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