"Εφυγε" ο διευθυντής του Committee, Γιάννης Κοντογιάννης
20:20 31/5/2011
- Πηγή: i-Reporter
Η είδηση είναι δυστυχώς θλιβερή: Απεβίωσε ο διευθυντής του Committee, Γιάννης Κοντογιάννης, ο οποίος είχε μακρόχρονη θητεία στη συγκεκριμένη θέση και μεγάλη προσφορά στα ναυτιλιακά πράγματα. Διαβάστε ένα μικρό αφιέρωμα στον εξαιρετικό αυτό Ελληνα αξιωματικό της Ναυτιλίας μας (στη φωτογραφία δίπλα στον Υπουργό Θαλασσίων Υποθέσεων, Νήσων και Αλιείας κ.Γιάννη Διαμαντίδη λίγο πριν τα Χριστούγεννα στο Λονδίνο). COMMODORE IOANNIS
With very great sorrow we wish to announce the premature passing away of our Director, Commodore Ioannis L. Kontoyannis (HCG) who died peacefully on Monday 30th May at home, surrounded by his family, after a sudden deterioration of his illness and after a valiant fight.
Commodore Kontoyannis loved ships and the shipping industry passionately and he served with enthusiasm, dedication and extreme capability, first at sea having graduated from the Hydra Captains School, then at his beloved Limeniko Soma (Hellenic Coast Guard) where he had a distinguished career rising to the rank of Commodore, during which he also graduated from the Athens Law University, and finally at the G.S.C.C. which he joined in 1995, and directed very successfully for 12 years.
Hard working, tireless, and conscientious, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of shipping issues and thirst to learn, he will be sorely missed by all his friends at the G.S.C.C. and the shipping community. He will also be missed as a dedicated and helpful friend to many, and a servant of the Greek community and the Church.
Our thoughts are with his family, his first love, of whom he was justifiable very proud, his wife Maria and children, Dr. Angeliki Kontoyannis and Lukas and Chriastianne Kontoyannis.
His funeral service will be held at the Greek Cathedral of St. Sophia, Moscow Road, where he served as President of the Wardens. The date and time will be made known at a later date.
Condolences: Commodore I.L. Kontoyannis family, Flat 27, York House, Turks Row, Sloane Square SW3 4TH. TEL 0207 4602797 24, Fax 0207 626 4545, e-mail akontoyannis@googlemail.com.
The wish of the family is for donations to Trinity Hospice, an independent charity that provides excellent and much needed nursing care and support for patients at home http://www.trinityhospice.org.uk/support-us/donate instead of flowers.
With very great sorrow we wish to announce the premature passing away of our Director, Commodore Ioannis L. Kontoyannis (HCG) who died peacefully on Monday 30th May at home, surrounded by his family, after a sudden deterioration of his illness and after a valiant fight.
Commodore Kontoyannis loved ships and the shipping industry passionately and he served with enthusiasm, dedication and extreme capability, first at sea having graduated from the Hydra Captains School, then at his beloved Limeniko Soma (Hellenic Coast Guard) where he had a distinguished career rising to the rank of Commodore, during which he also graduated from the Athens Law University, and finally at the G.S.C.C. which he joined in 1995, and directed very successfully for 12 years.
Hard working, tireless, and conscientious, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of shipping issues and thirst to learn, he will be sorely missed by all his friends at the G.S.C.C. and the shipping community. He will also be missed as a dedicated and helpful friend to many, and a servant of the Greek community and the Church.
Our thoughts are with his family, his first love, of whom he was justifiable very proud, his wife Maria and children, Dr. Angeliki Kontoyannis and Lukas and Chriastianne Kontoyannis.
His funeral service will be held at the Greek Cathedral of St. Sophia, Moscow Road, where he served as President of the Wardens. The date and time will be made known at a later date.
Condolences: Commodore I.L. Kontoyannis family, Flat 27, York House, Turks Row, Sloane Square SW3 4TH. TEL 0207 4602797 24, Fax 0207 626 4545, e-mail akontoyannis@googlemail.com.
The wish of the family is for donations to Trinity Hospice, an independent charity that provides excellent and much needed nursing care and support for patients at home http://www.trinityhospice.org.uk/support-us/donate instead of flowers.
εφυγε, προσφορες, Χριστούγεννα, home, fight, extreme, sea, hydra, school, hellenic, coast, athens, law, working, friends, community, greek, love, road, president, date, time, york, house, row, square, fax, independent, support, http, org, flowers, θητεια, φωτογραφια, hydra, mail, square, time, δυστυχως, μικρο, athens, coast, community, http, date, extreme, road, love, fax, fight, flowers, greek, house, home, independent, law, friends, org, president, row, support, school, working, york, sea
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