Zara Home’s online store in Cyprus goes live today
Nicosia, 25th October 2021
Zara Home launches online sales in Cyprus today. With this launch, Zara Home is marking a new milestone in the steady expansion of its fully integrated store
Available in English language, has been designed to provide a user-friendly online shopping experience. The idea is for customers to be able to interact with the brand intuitively by browsing the various product sections and categories. The website is configured to enable shopping from any mobile device and from any of the browsers available in the markets in which Zara Home has established an online presence.
Customers can also avail of the new online sales platform by using the Zara Home app (available for IOS and Android). To facilitate the online shopping experience, the mobile website and Zara Home app have different categories (New In, Bedroom, Clothing and Footwear, Living Room, Kitchen, Dining, Bathroom, Fragrances and Kids, among others) to bring the latest looks, trends and stories together on the home page.With this fully integrated model, customers may choose to receive purchased items from the online store directly to their home or in a store of their choice. Collecting from a Zara Home store is free. Standard home delivery costs EUR 9.99 and is free of charge for purchases of over EUR 99.99. Estimated times for all delivery methods range between 4 and 5 working days in the main areas. When exchanging or returning purchased items, shoppers have the choice of returns online or at their most convenient store within a 30-day period.
Zara Home customers in Cyprus will be able to use the same customer service channels already available in their home market: chat, email and Social Media to resolve any transaction-related enquiries or incidents in English language. Customer service channels will be available from Monday to Friday from 11 am to 5 pm.
About Zara Home
Zara Home is the home décor brand of the Inditex Group. Its collections are based on the latest trends and include all the products to décor your bedroom, kitchen, dining, living room, bathroom and a complete home fragrance selection. Launched in 2003, Zara Home inspires its clients to decorate their homes with a timeless style always with a focus on design, quality, functionality and sustainability.
In addition to Zara Home, Inditex has other commercial formats: Zara, Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Straparius and Oysho with commercial presence in the market.
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