Αποχώρησε και ψάχνει νέα «στέγη» ο Κόντης!

Ο Χρίστος Κόντης ανακοίνωσε μέσα από τη προσωπική του σελίδα στα σόσιαλ μίντια το τέλος του από τον πάγκο της Hatta Football Club.Ο Ελλαδίτης τεχνικός ψάχνει τη νέα του ομάδα μετά το τέλος από την ομάδα των Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων.

Κατά την αποχώρηση του ο πρώην άσος του ΑΠΟΕΛ ευχαρίστησε τη διοίκηση της ομάδας και όλους όσους συνεργάστηκε,ενώ

ευχήθηκε τα καλύτερα στο σύλλογο ενόψει της επόμενης σεζόν.

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Today, I announce my departure from Hatta Football Club. Accepting the Head Coach position at this great club was an incredibly proud moment for my team and I, and we would like to thank the management of Hatta FC for their belief in us. We have enjoyed an incredible season working with a great group of players and representing an ambitious club. The philosophy of football that we have been able to instil at Hatta FC is something that we are very proud of and hope to see the club build on. I am incredibly grateful to the staff and fans for welcoming us into the club and a special thank you to the club for their dedication to this project. Furthermore I want to thank all the players for their commitment and hard work during a season full of challenges.While it is unfortunate that the project has to come to an end, I wish Hatta FC the best of luck with the remainder of the season and the future ahead. After discussions with the club management, I felt the time was right to explore new opportunities and look forward to new adventures ahead.

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Jun 8, 2020 at 6:11am PDT

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