Breaking News Athens Greece Authorities prohibit public and democratic protest & demonstrations!!
Greece is a democratic country member of the EU & NATO as well as to a numerous recognized international organizations.
Tomorrow A.Mercel is scheduled to perform as Leader of European nation/state a former visit inAthensGreece.
She has officially accepted the invitation by Greek Prime Minister A.Samaras to visit AthensGreece.
Greece for the last three
There have been cuts and TROIKA intervention in public spending, in Health in Defense, even at private sector demanding modification to the National Working compensation Agreement described as a secure level of minimum wage satisfying leaving standards.
Taxes have increased and tens of new taxes were introduced due to continuous pressure and austerity programe and measures imposed by IMF,ECB and EU in order to “rescue” a fellow European member state from an uncontrolled default/bankruptcy.
As a result all Greece’s Socio Economic and financial indexes have shown that measures imposed and implemented as initiated and approved by Germans and North Europeans technocrats have failed!!!
The so called middle class has almost vanished. Stores and small to medium enterprises once the backbones of Greek economy are closing one after another.
The picture of humiliation of a society is getting completed today with Fathers and Mothers unemployed looking for leftovers in rubbish to feed their kids!!
Greeks have spontaneously from all political parties and groups declared that are determined to protest against austerity and hard and devastating economic reforms that do not take into account humans and leaving standards.
Simple Greek citizens from the ruined middle class, disappointed and betrayed from the political leadership were about to demonstrate in order to make A.Mercel to realize that Greeks are Humans and not numbers!
It should be noticed that Greeks have suffered heavy losses in Human capital by German conquerors when invaded during World War II.
Till today numerous groups fight for legal German reimbursements as victims of World War II due to fatal and organized disaster created by Nazi.
Despite all above, General Police Administration and Civil Authorities an hour ago announced to all local Media that there is a severe and strict order that does not permit and totally bans the democratic right as referred to the Greek constitution for peaceful protest and public gatherings!!
Therefore, Authorities in unexpected and surprisingly method that sparks memories of Military coup back in late sixties prohibit any public gathering around the city centre of Athensfor Tuesday from 09:00 am till 21:00pm because of A.Mercel!!!
Constantine K.
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