Έτσι δούλευε το ΠΑΣΟΚ στο διαδίκτυο..για αυτό είχε ο ΓΑΠ εκατοντάδες συμβούλους….
21:56 18/12/2011
- Πηγή: Olympia
Κάντε κλικ πάνω στην εικόνα για μεγέθυνσηInformation, Internet Services PASOK (is.pasok.gr): an overview
The scope of the PASOK information Services department is two fold:- proposing new services on behalf of the organisation PASOK for all is members and friends - intergrating intra-party procedures with the use of information
and internet technologies, with the outstanding example of the 2007 online PASOK President electionsPASOK uses the professional edition of Google Apps (http://in.pasok.gr, 2000 active email accounts since 2006) and makes available to its members an upgraded email service that provides large inbox space, higher security and web-mail access via the popular Gmail interface. Every user is able to customize the homepage with RSS feeds according to his/her own interests. In addition to the email service, the google homepage makes available diverse services like google calendar, collaborative editing of documents and spreadsheets, rss aggregation from various intra-party and other websites.
In 2009 there was a successful RFP to the three majore telecommunication operators, based on an aggregation of demand plan, that provides smart mobile phones with unlimited internet traffic to all PASOK cadre. This is what we call the blackberry project with 3000 holders (of whom 2200 are bberry users) and an enormous potential for innovative bberry applications. The agreement also includes fixed line telephony and broadband internet services, through this agreement we aim at 50% annual savings.
Since 2006, we use a unified CRM for the everyday management of members and friends records. The CRM helps the PASOK staff to easily retrieve updated information concerning the party’s members and friends and interlink member’s data with the most current edition of voting records. There is an internal call center using CRM components ensuring that our members & friends records are up to date with the most recent data, as well as, mobilizing for campaigns and surveys. Local party organizations and MP’s offices maintain blogs on a centrally run wordpress multi-blog platform. There are currently more than 300 blogs in operation that can be located at the main pasok site (http://www.pasok.gr/portal/mapekloges.jsf ), all this information is aggregated at http://planet.pasok.gr/ .We are, also, involved in focused educational actions. in 2009, 100 PASOK employees and 50 members were trained nationwide on basic IT skills, through a well targeted RFP. Additionally, we ensure technical training for all the services we offer and devote considerable time, on monthly basis, to communicate with all staff and party stakeholders involved in relevant activities.More than a information technology project: a human network In 2004, president G.A.Papandreou issued a call to attract Internet volunteers for PASOK (http://ethelontes.pasok.gr) . Today, a nationwide network of Internet volunteers, about 2000 activists are involved in local, regional and national p
The scope of the PASOK information Services department is two fold:- proposing new services on behalf of the organisation PASOK for all is members and friends - intergrating intra-party procedures with the use of information
In 2009 there was a successful RFP to the three majore telecommunication operators, based on an aggregation of demand plan, that provides smart mobile phones with unlimited internet traffic to all PASOK cadre. This is what we call the blackberry project with 3000 holders (of whom 2200 are bberry users) and an enormous potential for innovative bberry applications. The agreement also includes fixed line telephony and broadband internet services, through this agreement we aim at 50% annual savings.
Since 2006, we use a unified CRM for the everyday management of members and friends records. The CRM helps the PASOK staff to easily retrieve updated information concerning the party’s members and friends and interlink member’s data with the most current edition of voting records. There is an internal call center using CRM components ensuring that our members & friends records are up to date with the most recent data, as well as, mobilizing for campaigns and surveys. Local party organizations and MP’s offices maintain blogs on a centrally run wordpress multi-blog platform. There are currently more than 300 blogs in operation that can be located at the main pasok site (http://www.pasok.gr/portal/mapekloges.jsf ), all this information is aggregated at http://planet.pasok.gr/ .We are, also, involved in focused educational actions. in 2009, 100 PASOK employees and 50 members were trained nationwide on basic IT skills, through a well targeted RFP. Additionally, we ensure technical training for all the services we offer and devote considerable time, on monthly basis, to communicate with all staff and party stakeholders involved in relevant activities.More than a information technology project: a human network In 2004, president G.A.Papandreou issued a call to attract Internet volunteers for PASOK (http://ethelontes.pasok.gr) . Today, a nationwide network of Internet volunteers, about 2000 activists are involved in local, regional and national p
ΠΑΣΟΚ, γαπ, γαπ, διαδικτυο, pasok, online, president, google, http, email, inbox, space, security, access, popular, gmail, user, rss, calendar, rfp, smart, mobile, unlimited, blackberry, project, potential, aim, crm, everyday, friends, staff, data, date, party, blogs, run, wordpress, site, jsf, planet, time, papandreou, today, network, www.google.gr, rfp, blogs, blog, blackberry, email, gmail, jsf, mail, rss, smart, time, wordpress, εικονα, access, aim, unlimited, mobile, calendar, security, crm, http, date, data, network, everyday, web, inbox, project, user, friends, multi, papandreou, pasok, popular, potential, president, party, run, site, space, staff, online, today
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