“Η Ελλάδα θα χρειαστεί σύντομα έναν Περσέα μαζί με τον Ηρακλή για να αντιμετωπίσει την Λερναία Ύδρα του Σόρος”!
By James Smith
30 October 2012
George Soros discusses the new social initiative of his foundation to create a new atmosphere of solidarity in Greece and help to alleviate the rising tensions in the country.
This talk was held at the ‘Europa nach der Krise’ conference organized by the Nicolas Berggruen Institute on Governance
From their website:
The Berggruen Institute on Governance sees itself as an independent think tank which develops practicable solutions for the political systems of the 21st century. The functioning of the Institute: It brings outstanding public figures and people, the Government’s work first hand and know my own practical experience with the most successful entrepreneurs and the most important intellectual thought leaders in the world together. You make councils, “Councils”, which meet regularly and engage in the long term. Their common goal is to develop a baseline for the challenges of today’s Government work, to discuss, to submit concrete proposals for action, and to accompany the process.
Soros, a Hungarian-American business magnate, is the chairman of Soros Fund Management. and supports progressive-liberal causes. He is known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England”.
The Berggruen Institute on Governance is under the direction of Nicolas Berggruen, a jet setting billionaire who is working tirelessly to bring about the Progressive Movement into mainstream, to destroy the very fabric of independence and liberty.
The Master has found his Acolyte. But the members of this organization don’t just include the rich, but the influential.
Nicolas Sarkozy (former President of France) joined the Berggruen of Institute’s 21st Century Council.Alain Minc (French businessman, political advisor, and author) wrote a major piece for the New York Review of books, “An Open Letter to My Friends, the Financiers of America.”Guy Verhofstadt (Prime Minister of Belgium,) co-authored, with Daniel Cohn-Bendit (aka Danny the Red – former German politician), a manifesto for European reform, “for Europe.”Arianna Huffington (American author and syndicated columnist), at the Huffington Post, launched “what is working,” an initiative dedicated to identifying solutions to America’s jobs crisis, along with “JobRaising,” a fundraising challenge for employment-boosting nonprofits.Raghuram Rajan joined the government of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as chief economic advisor, while Gordon Brown (former UK Prime Minister) became the United Nations’ special envoy for global educationErnesto Zedillo (Mexican economist and politician) launched the final report – called deepening democracy: A strategy for improving the integrity of elections worldwide — of the Global Commission on elections, democracy and security. Earlier this year, he joined Fernando Henrique Cardoso (former President of Brazil) in bringing out a report on HIV/AIDS b- Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις Κατηγορίας Blogs
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