09:06 21/1/2012
- Πηγή: Olympia
The bondholderΌλοι εμείς που γράφοuμε στο ολύμπια πρέπει να κάνουμε μια τελευταία προσπάθεια πριν πουληθούμε για τριάντα αργύρια.Ζητήσαμε και έγιναν κάποιες προκαταρκτικές μελέτες και το αποτέλεσμα θα το δείτε παρακάτω. Τώρα χρειαζόμαστε την βοήθεια όλων.1. Πρέπει να μεταφραστή στα ελληνικά2. Πρέπει να φύγει με e-mail σ’ όλους3. Πρέπει κάποιος που ξέρει νομικά να το δώσει με επιμελητή στον πρόεδρο της βουλής και να το μοιράσει στους 300 και στην τρόικα.4.
Πρέπει να το πάρουν όλα τα ΜΜΕ και ας το πετάξουνΚάποιος να το αναρτήσει στα ελληνικά. Δεν έχουμε πολύ χρόνο.
ToMr PapadimosPrime Minister of Greece
Mr DalarasIIF
Ms LegardIMF
CC Mr Samaras, Mr Tsipras, Ms Paparyga, Mr KaratzaferisChairman of the Greek Parliament, All members of the Greek Parliament
For the past three years a program of economic measures was applied in Greece that has not been successful in reaching its objectives.The increase in taxes, pension reductions and all the other measures that have been taken has led to a deep recession. Government revenues have essentially remained the same as two years ago while the economy has plunged from an GDP of 255 billion to 215 billion or a total reduction of 15%.These policies have made the Greek Government debt unsustainable. The sustainability of debt as you all know is a relationship between GDP growth and interest rates. In this case the growth became negative and the interest rates increased to 32% from 3.1%.We agree that the Greek economy was rigid, bureaucratic, and had not used its opportunities offered by its integration in the EU effectively. However despite all of the above the economy was vibrant.The real issue of the economy was the Pension Funds inability to pay pensions and health care. In 2012 the Central Government that guarantees pensions has to pay € 14 billion out of its budget for these services.Demographics (a problem that all western economies will face sooner than later) as well as the inability of Government to collect the pension contributions had a role to play in the inability of pension funds to meet their obligation. But the largest cause of this “bankruptcy” of the pension system was due to the mismanagement and “theft” of pension funds by the Greek governments since the 50’s.We cannot however turn a bankruptcy of a pension fund system to a bankruptcy of a country.Unless this fundamental issue is addressed we will continue to have PSI s restructuring etc. and the problem will not go away as demographics and reduced economic activity will require more and more funding by the Government of Greece. It is a vicious circle that has no end.We have run our economic models that shows that if this pension liability was to disappear tomorrow from the government accounts the deficit would be 3% (including the reduction in the interest to be paid due to lower borrowing costs). In two years from now Greece will have a surplus. World renowned financial institutio
λύση, due to, βουλη, τροικα, μμε, tsipras, greek, parliament, led, government, debt, negative, real, issue, funds, pay, health, central, budget, face, play, system, due, fund, psi, circle, end, run, models, tomorrow, world, τι ειναι το psi, ολυμπια, tsipras, μμε, face, mail, real, βοηθεια, δειτε, δωσει, budget, health, central, circle, debt, due, due to, ελληνικα, fund, government, greek, issue, led, models, negative, pay, play, parliament, run, system, funds, tomorrow, τριαντα, world
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