“Η παγανιστική Γερμανία με την Τουρκία συνέλαβαν και εκτέλεσαν την γενοκτονία των Ελλήνων”
19:15 25/7/2011
- Πηγή: Olympia
Ε, καλά, ο τύπος διάβαζε φανατικά Ολυμπία. Έναν βρήκαμε να συμφωνεί και είναι σχιζοφρενής. Φτου! Διαβάστε τι γράφει επί λέξη στο μανιφέστο του:1,500,000 Greek Christians Massacred or Deported by TurksSystematic Attempt to Extinguish the Hellenic Race Inspired by Pagan GermanySection 19- 1918Under the tuition of pagan Germany,
the unspeakable Turks attempted to destroythe large and flourishing Greek Christian populations that, from time immemorial,have dwelt along the coast of Asia Minor and the Marmoran coast in Thrace.The Mahometans (Muslims) tore these Christians from their ancestral homes,confiscated all their property, and deported them variously into the interior of theAsia Minor, into the Turkish pale, or over the burning desert sands to far offMesopotmaia. It is estimated that 1,500,000 Greeks were thus deported intodesolate regions where they died off like flies of starvation of disease.On this dreadful journey 700,000 are known to have perished. The survivorsfound themselves without shelter or food in a strange land and subjected to everyindignity and torture which the abominable Turks, and their pagan German allies,could devise. These among the Greeks who would agree to abjureChristianity and adopt the faith of Islam were spared [My emphasis]; therest were left to starve.The wholesale deportation of the Greeks from Thrace had been under way sincethe close of the Balkan Wars in 1913. It accorded not at all with Germany’s ideasof Oriental conquest to permit these Greeks to remain in European Turkey. TheTurks were consequently instructed to extirpate the Greeks in any way they mightchoose.In justification of these wholesale deportations, the Turks falsely alleged that theHellenic populations of Thrace and the Asian coast were plotting revolution. Thefirst deportations, numbering 250,000, were from Thrace into Greece proper. Thispersecution continued unabated up to the opening of the War. In this period theGreek Government did everything possible to protect their co-nationals, but afterthe World War had begun, King Constantine and his German wive (the sister ofKaiser Wilhelm of Germany), impeded every attempt made to ameliorate the lot ofthe exiled Hellenes. The bishop of Pera, after journeying to Athens to implore theKing to take some action against the Turkish atrocities, was warned by the Queento return to his home, “as it is the will of the King that you live on good terms withthe Turks.”All this time the German agencies in Turkey, especially the German PalestineBank, were urging the Mussulmans to cultivate hatred for the Christians and tohave no commercial dealings with them.The Bulgarian-Ottoman(Turkish) PlotBulgaria, half Turkish itself, entered into the plot to exterminate the GreekChristian race, by signing a pact with the Ottoman Empire, at Adrianople in June,1915. Under this agreement Bulgaria consented (1) to the establishment of aTurco-Bulgar commercial union as the complement of the political union, (2) theseizure of the comme
συλληψεις, γερμανια, τουρκια, ολυμπια, φτου, greek, hellenic, race, germany, time, coast, asia, property, turkish, journey, shelter, food, land, wholesale, european, turkey, revolution, opening, government, world, king, lot, athens, home, live, bulgaria, time, turkey, τυπος, athens, asia, bulgaria, coast, revolution, food, germany, government, greek, hellenic, home, journey, king, land, lot, opening, property, race, shelter, wholesale, turkish, world, european
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