Νέα επίθεση της Greek Hacking Scene στο Ethiopian Satellite Television, κατά της διαφθοράς και με μήνυμα για τη Γάζα.
Σφοδρή ηλεκτρονική επίθεση. Η Ελληνική Χάκινγκ Σκηνή επιτίθεται στη Δορυφορική Τηλεόραση της Αιθιοπίας κατά της διαφθοράς και με μήνυμα για Κύπρο και Γάζα.
Το μήνυμα της GHS:
Dear Ethiopia and rest Africa,
We are here in a war we started against corruption and the economic terrorism of banks against
The development of technology has far surpassed our need for it, resulting in a complete strangle-hold on our governing bodies by the corporations. Their singular goal – produce profit in order to maintain control. Where once a person could choose their path, has now been replaced with an assignment of being a cog in a machine they may have no desire in. Our entire society has been replaced with dependent drones made of flesh and bone, having no will to fight, some too busy trying to keep the sand from covering their heads while most all too happy to be completely buried in ignorance and complacency. If we continue on this unwavering path, the collapse of what was once our free world will result in the total collapse of free thought and will, driving civilization further into a depressing cycle of obedience and debt.
We are not powerless.
We can reverse this sickening tyrannic rule over our brothers and sisters. We must notify the masses to rethink their pathetic existence by showing them the powerful forces in control are nothing more than indifferent for the world and the common good.
Attention Citizens.
Be afraid of your future.
Your leaders are lying to you.
They no longer care about you.
The corporate takeover of your governments has already begun.
It is no longer acceptable to bury your heads in the sand.<
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![Greek Hacking Scene, Ethiopian Satellite Television, Γάζα,Greek Hacking Scene, Ethiopian Satellite Television, gaza](https://images.inewsgr.com/152/nea-epithesi-tis-Greek-Hacking-Scene-sto-Ethiopian-Satellite-Television-kata-tis-diafthoras-kai-me-minyma-gia-ti-gaza.jpg)
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