Σε απαντηση στον Mario Monti
10:31 19/1/2012
- Πηγή: Olympia
Σε απαντηση στον Mario Monti who’d demanded that Germany dig deeper into its pockets toreduce the debt burden of other countries, such as, well, Italy.Ο Αnton F. Börner, president of the German Association of Exporters (BGA) :“The fact that we profit massively from the euro doesn’t mean that we have to accept
every political horse-trade to
BGA represents 120,000 exporters—the lifeblood of the economy. Germany fights for the euro because failurewould have a “massive economic cost and incalculable political consequences,” Börner said. It would mean“renationalization and protectionism” and finally “balkanization and marginalization of Europe.” χαχαχααααααWolfgang Reitzle, CEO of Linde AG, who’d elicited gasps when he told the Spiegel,“I don’t believe that the euro must be saved at any price.”
The German industrial elite now openly discuss exiting the Eurozone. “Deutschmark, the euro-north, or whatever currency we’d have then.” It would be a shock to the economy. Exports would cave and unemployment would rise. But not for long. “Five years down the road, Germany would be even stronger in comparison to its Asian competitors.”
ΕΧΟΥΜΕ και την αλλη αποψη φυσικα..
BMW CFO Friedrich Eichner told Reuters (Spiegel) : “A return to the D-Mark would be catastrophic,” “We should to do everything possible to avoid that it will get that far.”Siemens CEO Peter Löscher : “The euro is extremely important for the European industry,”
save the common currency,”
BGA represents 120,000 exporters—the lifeblood of the economy. Germany fights for the euro because failurewould have a “massive economic cost and incalculable political consequences,” Börner said. It would mean“renationalization and protectionism” and finally “balkanization and marginalization of Europe.” χαχαχααααααWolfgang Reitzle, CEO of Linde AG, who’d elicited gasps when he told the Spiegel,“I don’t believe that the euro must be saved at any price.”
The German industrial elite now openly discuss exiting the Eurozone. “Deutschmark, the euro-north, or whatever currency we’d have then.” It would be a shock to the economy. Exports would cave and unemployment would rise. But not for long. “Five years down the road, Germany would be even stronger in comparison to its Asian competitors.”
ΕΧΟΥΜΕ και την αλλη αποψη φυσικα..
BMW CFO Friedrich Eichner told Reuters (Spiegel) : “A return to the D-Mark would be catastrophic,” “We should to do everything possible to avoid that it will get that far.”Siemens CEO Peter Löscher : “The euro is extremely important for the European industry,”
Deutsche Post DHL CEO Frank Appel : “whatever it would cost to save the euro will be less than that what
the euro has given and will continue to give Germany and Europe.”Merck KGaA spokesperson for was more ambivalent: “It’s part of our job … to be prepared for changes.”
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