ΣΟΡΟ οι αποκαλύψεις για την πράσινη παρεΐτσα…
12:41 6/9/2011
- Πηγή: Olympia
Από τον Πόρτα – Πόρτα(δείτε και το συνημμένο, περιέχει εκπληκτικά στοιχεία για το πως το ναζιστικό κεφάλαιο μεταλλάχθηκε και κυβερνά…)27. C40The C40 was created in 2004 to steer the mayors of 40 ofthe world’s largest cities, and the cities themselves, into anausterity-driven, fascist Lombard League of Cities. Twentyone of the C40’s cities, each of which must have at least 3 million in population, are in the developing world. London,
NewYork, and Paris are in the forefront.London was the exclusive center of the founding of theorganization. According to the manager of the C40, then-London Mayor Ken Livingstone, and Deputy Mayor Nicky Gavron, established the group. The British Fabian Society andGreenpeace had a major role in the C40’s creation, as didthen-British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in his role of chairman of the G8 nations’ economic summit of 2005, in Gleneagles, Scotland.The C40’s first formal meeting was held in 2005 in London; the second formal meeting was held in New York City inMay 2007, at the invitation of Mayor Michael Bloomberg.The next meeting is scheduled for Seoul, Korea in 2009.The central pretext guiding C40 is that national governments are too impotent, too incompetent, and too slow to tackle Global Warming. Therefore, it is necessary to bypass thenational governments: Under the guise of an emergency todeal with this crisis, the cities must seize the initiative, and setup boards and structures, like synarchist banker Felix Rohatyn’s dictatorial New York City “Big MAC” of 1975-83.Themodel for this appears inMayorBloomberg’s PlaNYC2030 report, “A Greater, Greener New York,” which calls forsetting up a New York City Energy Planning Board, with dictatorial powers over energy flow; it would be empowered tohalt productive economic and infrastructural activity.The C40’s current executive manager, Simon Reddy,served as Director of Policy and Solutions, and worked for 15years, for Greenpeace. His major assignment: closing downnuclear power plants28. The Earth InstituteThe Earth Institute was created in 1995, with a permanenthome at Columbia University in New York City, to serve as acoordinating center to push propaganda for global warming,and offering the Malthusian doctrine of “sustainable development” as an alleged solution.Given its New York City location, the Earth Institute wasalso assigned the task of helping to write green policy forMayor Michael Bloomberg.The sustainable development mantra is that mankind,through industrialization and extensive agriculture, is consuming “finite resources” at an unsustainable rate. This mustbe corrected by slashing consumption and production, andliving within the more primitive bounds that nature intended.Hand-in-hand with “sustainable development” is the genocidal practice of “appropriate technology,” where, for example,large dams to irrigate areas of agriculture, are replaced by individual farmers using labor-intensive foot pumps to irrigatetheir low-yield plots of land.The Earth Institute’s
πρασινη, new york, league, world, london, paris, exclusive, group, major, creation, scotland, york, city, bloomberg, korea, central, slow, global, bypass, initiative, felix, energy, greenpeace, power, earth, columbia, push, write, green, nature, practice, land, κορεα, greenpeace, yield, bloomberg, earth, push, κεφαλαιο, πορτα, green, group, bypass, central, city, columbia, energy, exclusive, felix, creation, global, hand, initiative, korea, league, land, london, low, major, nature, new york, paris, power, practice, scotland, slow, write, world, york
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