Τα ΜΜ”Ε” ασχολούνται με τον Καντάφι και τον Άσαντ, ουδείς όμως αναφέρει το φασιστικό μακελειό στην Γεωργία του “δικού τους” Σαακασβίλι.

16:30 25/9/2011 - Πηγή: Olympia
Δολοφονίες, βασανιστήρια, συλλήψεις αντικαθεστωτικών στο φασιστικό καθεστώς ενός ακόμα φίλου της Κλίντον και του Σόρος. Σιωπή από τα Δυτικά ΜΜ”Ε”.Καλησπέρα, Ίσως να σας ενδιέφερε να δημοσιεύσετε το ακόλουθο άρθρο σχετικά με την πιθανότητα η Γεωργία του Σαακασβίλι να είναι η νέα φάση επαναστάσεων όπως στη Λιβύη και Αίγυπτο κλπ. Από τον Μάιο που έγιναν μεγάλα επεισόδια στην Τυφλίδα (και δεν ακούστηκαν ιδιαίτερα στην Ελλάδα) άμεσα αποδίδουν στον Σαακασβίλι ό,τι είναι ο Καντάφι και ο Μουμπάρακ. Συνδέουν οι διαδηλωτές τη Λιβύη και Αίγυπτο με τη Γεωργία. Στην γεωργία να δείτε ξύλο που έπεσε. Κυρίως σε ηλικιωμένους. Αναγνώστης******************************http://www.farosradio.gr/el/faros-news/item/1495-gerogia.htmlCould Georgia be the next phase of the  ”Arab Revolution”?Georgia, under President Saakashvili, is one of the most pro-Washingtoncountries, in the hot area of Caucasus. With the first view it would seemimmune from the wave of revolutions that swept Egypt, Libya and othercountries in the past months. After all … it is not an Arab state!There are, however, remarkable events and similarities which started to bepointed out around the time of the military attack against Libya. The publicprotests against Saakashvili in May 2011 in Georgia (called Silver Revolutiondue to the large number of old people with grey hair and just a few weeksafter a questionable EU Report, positive for Georgia in terms of democraticprogress), increased the level of similarities. The brutal police responseshocked even those who prepared the report. They make an outside observerwonder whether we will witness a repetition of the Arab revolutions in a morenorthern state.The West was not really informed about violent clashes between Georgianprotestors against President Saakashvili and riot police forces in late May2011. According to statements, to the English-speaking channel “Russia Today”(http://rt.com/news/georgia-government-blame-russia/), from investigativejournalist Wayne Madsen: “Like Mubarak, we certainly know that one of thecriticisms by the opposition is the corruption rampant in this government. Itis very nepotistic administration he runs. So we are seeing a lot of peoplesaying enough is enough, leaving his government, joining the opposition.Saakashvili, on the other hand, is claiming that somehow Russia is behind thisrebellion. He is doing the same things that Gaddafi did in Libya by blamingAl-Qaeda. Mubarak, of course, blamed everybody for his problems”. Both Mubarakand Gaddafi had established close relations with the US, Britain and otherwestern countries.Political analyst Mikhail Aleksandrov, added “I think [Saakashvili’s] regimeis a bit worried about what’s happening in the Middle East, and the situationin Georgia is very similar to what happened in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.Unfortunately, we do not see an adequate reaction from the internationalcommunity, as it was in the case of the Middle East”.In May 26, Georgian police dispersed protestors who were on the s
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