Τι δουλειά έχουν οι ευσεβείς μουσουλμάνοι στο Ολυμπιακό στάδιο της ειδωλολατρίας και της βαρβαρότητας;
09:10 20/8/2011
- Πηγή: Olympia
Προξενεί εντύπωση η επιμονή των μουσουλμάνων που ζουν στην Ελλάδα να τελέσουν την προσευχή τους σώνει και καλά στο Ολυμπιακό στάδιο…Τι θα έλεγε ο Μουχάμαντ εάν ζούσε μπροστά σε τέτοια αμαρτία;Πως είναι δυνατόν να συνδεθεί η θεάρεστη θρησκεία με το βαρβαρικό και ειδωλολατρικό έθιμο των Ολυμπιακών αγώνων; Δεν φοβούνται μήπως πέσει φωτιά να τους κάψει;Για να μην πουν πάλι ότι βάζουμε “ακραίους” μουλάδες, δείτε τι γράφει για τους
Ολυμπιακούς μία από τις πλέον μετριοπαθείς φωνές του Ισλάμ, ο Βρετανός συγγραφέας Χαφέζ Αφζάλ Ισμαήλ: Islam and the Olympic GamesThe ancient Olympic Games were sinful and immoral because of a number of reasons. Some of these are as follows:1. The Games were based upon pagan and idolatrous beliefs. These included worshipping of statues (eg. Zeus), swearing of oaths to idols and performing sacrifices for the gods.2. The athletes participated completely naked. It was also decreed (in 388 B.C.) that trainers should also enter the stadium naked during the Games.383. Statues were erected honouring the winners.4. The Pankration was an exceptionally savage and barbaric sport with few rules. There were cases where fingers were broken, feet were crushed and where competitors were even killed.395. Participation was not open to all. Slaves were not allowed to take part.406. In ancient Greece, sport and nudity were closely related.41 This nudity was a vital element of Greek art and was expressed and depicted in the form of statues and paintings.7. Many of the Olympic victors were worshipped as heroes after their death.428. Spectators and pilgrims came from the remotest parts of the Greek world to offer sacrifices to the gods.43Due to the symbolic continuity between the ancient and modern Games, we can reason that today’s Olympic Games are by nature and origin also immoral and irreligious.The Olympic flame and the taking of the Olympic Oath are concepts that have a direct link to the ancient Games. These are pagan rituals which have been placed in a modern context. No sensible Muslim should be filled with happiness or joy when the flame is lighted or when the Oath is taken. These are pagan idolatrous symbols which are completely un-Islamic.The modern Olympics are also immoral and sinful because of the many harms and evils which are an essential component of the Games. These include the harms of commercialism, nationalism, corruption, extravagance and wastage, just to mention a few.38Hence, we as Muslims should call for the abolishment of the Olympic Games. No Muslim country in the world should even vaguely consider hosting the Olympics. We as Muslims should ensure that we do not watch or support the Olympics in any way whatsoever.ConclusionThe modern Games which do show considerable divergence from the ancient Games, nevertheless have significant grounds for controversy. Some Western writers have even called for the total abolishment of the Games. However, the Olympics have been claimed to be “the most important contemporary social moveme
ολυμπιακος, δουλεια, ολυμπιακοί αγώνες, ελλαδα, olympic, games, sport, rules, element, greek, art, heroes, world, nature, origin, joy, symbols, olympics, hosting, watch, support, φωτια, origin, games, heroes, olympic, sport, δειτε, εθιμο, ισμαηλ, θρησκεια, ισλαμ, art, element, greek, hosting, watch, joy, μπροστα, nature, olympics, support, rules, symbols, world
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