Το “κακο” από τη Συρία…

15:06 6/10/2011 - Πηγή: Olympia
Σχετικό: “Όταν αρχίσει το κακό από την Συρία…”SYRIA: AL ASSAD WARNS WESTERN ALLIES OF RETALIATORY ATTACKSyrian President Bashar al Assad in a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu warned Western allies of a coordinated retaliatory attack if NATO forces attack Syria, Fars News Agency reported Oct. 4. Al Assad said he would not need more than six hours to transport hundreds of missiles and rockets within striking distance of Tel Aviv, adding that he would call on Hezbollah to launch similar attacks on Israel. Al Assad also said that within the first six hours of the Syrian response, Iran will simultaneously target U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf and American and European interests.Filed under: ΕΠΙΚΑΙΡΟΤΗΤΑ
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