Democracy – ochlocracy - chaos.
18:40 28/7/2011
- Πηγή:
Democracy is Government by the people, especially, rule of the majority.Ochlocracy is Government by the mob, mob rule.Chaos is a state of utter Capricorner What does Greece have? Ostensibly Greece has a Democracy. It has a Parliament,
a legally elected Government, by the people for the people. The decisions, the rulings, the litigation and all actions of the Government are therefore binding on the nation, except they are not. Not really. Every Greek, or group of Greeks, selects which of the Government decisions/rulings/laws to accept and be bound by and which to ignore. The result is a state of utter confusion, which is the definition of Chaos.No accident that all three words: Democracy – Ochlocracy - Chaos : are Greek. The Greeks invented them to describe these very Greek states of being. Democracy is a blessing, so is water, when it benefits people, but excessive water can be ruinous, like excessive Democracy which can defeat its very principles and bring about Ochlocracy, even worse Chaos. What Greece has is a Democracy with no limits to excess, as evidenced daily. Every Greek has his/her own idea about what Democracy is and generally speaking this is unlimited personal rights and limited personal obligations. Consensus is essential to Democracy, but not in Greece where one pursues one’s rights single mindedly with absolutely no regard for other peoples’ rights. Organized groups pursue what they consider to be their rights with no concern for the others, the result being in many cases Chaos. This means that in Greece there is more of a state of Ochlocracy than one of Democracy, with Chaos present here and there. There is no place for Consensus in Greece. Ochlocracy and the ensuing Chaos have come about in the course of the last thirty or so years. It started with Andreas Papandreou who pitted one group against the others by granting everybody what they wanted and more. This continued by all the Governments that followed, so by now everybody can do what they want with no consequence. The politicians who brought to Greece an unmanageable Debt also brought about Ochlocracy because they never, never, explained to the people what Democracy stands for. They never demonstrated an understanding that Democracy is the rule of the majority and not of minorities.The Government is about to pass a law which will bring Greek Universities close to a level of respectability and effectiveness, but a great number of the academics and the leaders of the Universities declare in advance they will not apply the new law and that they will close down the Institutions they head, as if they - and not the Greek Tax Payers - are their owners. Their refusal to accept the law sets a calamitous example, extols civil disobedience, instills to Greek Youth the idea that non conformity to the law is a sacred right, when the law counters their personal interest; in plain English it promotes ochlocracy and consequently chaos. Do these “leaders” in academia deserve th
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