What's in the Stars today, April 15?
From today until the 1st May, try not to come across as fanatical, inflexible and jealous in your relationships because it can lead to major arguments...
The universe paints rainbows over the clouds to remind us that there is hope even in the most difficult times.
You can't stop the clouds from gathering but you can learn how to fly over them! Today the Moon in moody and unstable Pisces meets restrictive Saturn and hazy Neptune charging the energy levels of the day with melancholy and confusion. The positive aspect it creates from Pisces, the sign of peace, calm and happiness, with persistent, giving and well-organised Mars in Taurus, shows that the key to joy today is found in moves that guarantee order, draw your gaze to beauty and love and provide calm and security not with force but in a stable, quiet and pleasant way.
Mercury in Taurus 15/4 – 1/5
Be keen not jealous! From today, 15th April, until the 1st May Mercury, the planet linked to communication, will be in the stable, pragmatic and pleasant sign of Taurus. Your thoughts are taken over by faith, persistence and a strong will, and your words, your ideas and your suggestions show a true eagerness to give yourself to something beautiful and pleasant. Try not to come across as fanatical, inflexible and jealous in your relationships because it can lead to major arguments.
Venus in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius
Unconditional love and unlimited love are not the same thing! Whims, recklessness and carelessness in relationships and partnerships cause oppression and stress these days. Because it's one thing to love unconditionally and another to love without limits, the universe is making you realise and show others how far you can go with your patience and tolerance towards things and situations that are void of reliability, morality or responsibility.
The difficult Venus - Saturn aspect influences you more if you are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces of the first decan.
You are lucky today if you are Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day where you can focus on love, hope and dreams!
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