What's in the Stars today, April 20?
Seek out beauty, love and positivity and you'll have a great day.
Moon in Taurus
Welcome the new week with a calm spirit and love in your heart! With the Moon in persistent, committed and delightful Taurus, the day offers you the opportunity
Sun in Taurus 20/4 – 21/5
Commit yourself with unwavering determination to whatever can bring you happiness! Today the Sun moves into the earthy and realistic sign of Taurus helping you to take a more grounded and sensible approach in your professional and personal life in general. Financial matters and issues related to the sense of security will demand your attention while events and happenings that have to do with pleasure, food, dance, wine and of course love will allow you to experience pleasure with all your senses.
Mercury in Taurus in applying square to Jupiter in Leo
Banish the dogmatic approach from your thinking and make room for your beautiful ideas! These days blind passion or fanaticism can lead you to ravings or extravagant demands. Try not to defend causes in an obstinate and one sided way. The cosmos opens the door to luck for such ideas that are kind, affectionate, pleasant or practical and ultra systematic regarding love and money and for everything else as well; take advantage of it.
The Mercury- Jupiter square affects you more if you are Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio of the second decan, also if your Ascendant or planets are between 9° and 15° of the fixed signs.
You are lucky today if you are Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you an extra beautiful week following the road to joy!
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