What's in the Stars today, April 24?
With the Moon transiting the introvert water sign of Cancer, things and circumstances will try to tell you that you may have overlooked what has been going on at home, at work, with your relationships or within your soul...
Looks attract the eye. Internal beauty
Moon in Cancer
Turn your gaze to whatever guarantees security and love and reflects the beauty of your soul! With the Moon transiting the introvert water sign of Cancer, things and circumstances will try to tell you that you may have overlooked what has been going on at home, at work, with your relationships or within your soul. Today you have got to pay attention and heed to the messages they send you.
Moon opposite Pluto and square Uranus
Resentment within yourself and your relationships demand your attention! The sentimental Cancer Moon meets Pluto, which is linked to the dark crooks of people and circumstances, and Uranus, a planet that reveals the need for clarification. So it is possible that you feel with your heart and mind that there is turmoil in the air. If you neglect an unpleasant situation, it will only get out of control and cause a barrage of reactions in an unpredictable, abrupt and provocative way.
Moon sextile Mars and Mercury in Taurus
Show your compassion and consideration in a practical fashion and you will be rewarded with peace and security! The favourable sextiles of the sentimental Cancer Moon with Mars and Mercury in earthy Taurus indicate that calm will prevail only if you deal with complaints, insecurities or fears with rational thought and actions, not with indifference or hollow gestures. Then, you will be able to embrace more happily the day's opportunities for family affection, imaginative culinary experiences, calm melodies, warm and familiar contacts and sweet romantic moments.
You are lucky today of you are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Taurus and Virgo of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful day whose energy will supply you with peace and joy!
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