What's in the Stars today, April 30?
The positive trine the Moon creates with Mercury in earthy and pleasant Taurus makes it easier for information, thoughts and ideas regarding practical and daily issues to flow...
If life were a garden, then the people you love would be its flowers!
A bit of organisation on the last working day of the month and everything will be great! April waves goodbye with the practical Virgo Moon emphasising the need for organisation and helping you to do what is necessary to sort out the agenda for the day and to organise your chores in a time effective way. The positive trine the Moon creates with Mercury in earthy and pleasant Taurus makes it easier for information, thoughts and ideas regarding practical and daily issues to flow. At the same time, it favours communication and arrangements for the preparation and organisation of pleasant outings, happy contacts and romantic rendezvous. That's perfect in view of tomorrow's May Day holiday.
Moon in Libra
Smiles, a positive mood and scenes of happiness! At 17:02 the Moon enters the sociable and beautiful air sign of Libra and you are in a lighter and more pleasant mood. You will feel great spending time having a manicure or your hair done, pampering yourself and doing in general things that help you highlight your femininity, your style or your good looks. The sextile with Saturn in the evening favours a return of light, pretty and soft colours in all aspects of your daily life. Plan the rest of the evening and the night so that joy, positivity and love prevail and happiness will fill your heart.
You are lucky today if you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn of the last days, and Libra, Aquarius, Gemini of the first decan.
April says goodbye and May says hello! Astrology.gr wishes that you say your farewells to April in a cheerful tone and welcome beautiful, flowery and spring May in a positive mood.
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