What's in the Stars today, April 5?
Today, you're in a playful and teasing mood. There is a lot of commotion in the streets and in venues related to learning, knowledge, information, travelling and young people.
Moon in Gemini
A Saturday with the Moon in the sign that loves communication means
The presence of Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, in Pisces - which are linked to viruses, illness and allergies, warns you to be careful when you're out so that you don't get ill or, if you suffer from allergies, your symptoms don't get worse.
Venus in Pisces
Beginning today and until May 3rd, Venus will occupy the sign of Pisces. Altruism, philanthropy and fine arts are prominent while dreaming and romanticism dominate relationships. Lies and betrayal are Neptune's – the ruler of Pisces - middle name and during that period of time deception lurks in romance and finances.
The journey of Venus through Pisces is particularly favourable for water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) and earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn). Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces need to be cautious.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius of the third decan are favoured today.
Have a nice weekend filled with joy and fun!
A Saturday with the Moon in the sign that loves communication means phone calls, messages, contacts, new acquaintances and mental activities. You’re in a playful and teasing mood. There is a lot of commotion in the streets and in venues related to learning, knowledge, information, travelling and young people.
The presence of Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, in Pisces - which are linked to viruses, illness and allergies, warns you to be careful when you’re out so that you don’t get ill or, if you suffer from allergies, your symptoms don’t get worse.
Venus in Pisces
Beginning today and until May 3rd, Venus will occupy the sign of Pisces. Altruism, philanthropy and fine arts are prominent while dreaming and romanticism dominate relationships. Lies and betrayal are Neptune’s – the ruler of Pisces - middle name and during that period of time deception lurks in romance and finances.
The journey of Venus through Pisces is particularly favourable for water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) and earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn). Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces need to be cautious.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius of the third decan are favoured today.
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