What's in the Stars today, April 6?
Focus on the substance of things, what lies beneath the surface and you will increase the happy moments in your daily life.
Holy Monday
Have a great week everyone!
Moon in Scorpio
Holy Monday! The day commemorates the parable of the barren fig tree which reminds us that some people
Mercury in Aries trine retrograde Jupiter in Leo
Discuss new ideas that can bring you joy again! Hot, pioneering and bold Mercury in Aries meets Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, today and it enables you to have discussions and make contacts that can bring back a smile to your face in relation to children, love, creativity and entertainment. Be bold and courageous and the cosmos will show you the road to success.
You are particularly influenced by the lucky Mercury – Jupiter aspect if you are Aries, Sagittarius or Leo of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant or personal planets are between 9° and 15° of the fire signs.
Sun conjunct Uranus at 16° Aries
Twists, turbulence and unforeseen events! The fiery Sun in Aries meets unpredictable Uranus today. In no time, people and circumstances in the world in general, but also on a more personal or professional level can cause havoc. Unforeseen developments, may force you to follow a new direction in life, something you hadn't planned.
You will dance to the rhythm of the upsetting Sun – Uranus aspect even more so if you are Aries, Capricorn, Cancer or Libra of the second decan.
You are favoured today if you are Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces of the first and second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a good Holy Week!
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