What's in the Stars today, August 10?
Light, Joy, Peace, Love - Have a good week!
Moon in Gemini
News, ideas and proposals are buzzing and prepare the ground for contacts, gatherings, movement, laughter, sport, travelling, trips and courtship. All you have to do is grab
Moon in Cancer
Watermelon plus feta cheese equals summer!
After you've done all the above and you've emptied your mind from unnecessary things, it's time to fill your belly and your soul with things that are good for you. Outdoor cafés, a little taverna by the sea, traditional restaurants, picturesque villages and holiday accommodation, as well as museum tours, and the turquoise water of the sea will help you escape the crowds and the hustle and bustle of the environment. You will be able to feel a sweet closeness with the calmness of the sea breeze, and to nostalgically find yourself again in the arms of your beloved. Romance, affectionate contacts, wonderful opportunities to enjoy a melodic night under the stars.
You are lucky today if you are Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius of the third decan and Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, be open to new friendships, visit busy places, tour the island, walk on its cobbled streets, have a look at the tourist shops, play with friends and children. Do things that bring colour to and refresh your day and your mood, and that will be a fantastic beginning to the week.
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