What's in the Stars today, August 1st?
Have a wonderful month and a great weekend!
Planets in Leo
Welcome August!
The month of abundant harvest enough to feed all eleven months is making an entrance today with a conglomeration of planets in festive and vibrant Leo. Make sure you don't waste your time just looking for a holiday destination or taking a break from the daily chores, but you should celebrate
Moon in Aquarius
A wind of change paves new paths!
In the aftermath of yesterday's revealing, revolutionary and rejuvenating Full Moon, small or big changes take place within yourself which lead to revelations that will give a new breath of air to your professional, social or personal life. Work on the truths of your life, embrace new elements with the wings of your soul and be open to whatever helps you develop as a person and improve your life. Social interactions, activities with friends and unexpected love thrills are at the forefront.
Mercury in Leo in applying trine to Uranus in Aries
Your mind is a powerful tool – use it to change your life!
These days you should develop an innovative way of thinking. Visualise a better future and make the necessary moves to achieve new things. Any improvements in ideas or thoughts that have been hiding in the recesses of your mind are favoured. In fact, if these improvements are added up they can eventually trigger massive changes. Unexpected news, exciting contacts and moving, unanticipated meetings and surprising suggestions, new ideas and acquaintances.
The positive aspect between Mercury and Uranus affects you more if you are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius born at the end of the second decan or the beginning of the third. Also, if your Mercury or Ascendant are between 17º and 23º of the fire signs.
You are favoured today if you are Aquarius, Libra or Gemini of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful month and a great weekend!
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