What's in the Stars today, August 21?
With methodical Mercury in Virgo forming a positive aspect with Pluto, today you can delve into things and discover useful information that has been secret, unknown or confidential......
Moon in Cancer
The sea of love and life! With the fluid Moon
Aspects of the Moon
At about 10:00, when the Moon gets in opposition with Pluto, you may realise that certain people are grumpy and negative and you shouldn't allow yourself to be carried along with them. At 17:48 the trine between the Moon and Mars favours new beginnings regarding your home as well as activities that boost your energy. At 19:54 the square of the Moon with Uranus warns you about problems with computers, the Internet or friends and for unforeseen or hasty changes. Later in the evening the Moon forms a trine with wise Saturn and the day can end with some moments of solitude listening to music or making time for a good old recipe for a spiritual uplift.
Mercury trine Pluto
A path full of secrets! With methodical Mercury in Venus forming a positive aspect with Pluto that represents everything hidden, today you can delve into things and discover useful information that has been secret, unknown or confidential. A good day for passionate contacts, tales of mystery, visits to archaeological sites and dealings with the Inland Revenue, banks or insurance companies.
You are in possession of the lucky key if you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn born at the end of the first decan or the beginning of the second, or Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces of the second decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can have a great day as long as you keep in mind that you should guard your days and nights with a feeling of inner happiness and peace!
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