What's in the Stars today, August 2nd?
Today is a good day to go out with your partner, or travel with children and young people!
Moon in Libra
Sunshine, cool breeze, jasmine and love! Summer takes you by the hand and shows you the pleasures of love, marriage and companionship. Your light outfit matches your light
Mars square Jupiter
Don't overdo it! Your obsession to fulfil your deepest wishes may force you to make moves that expose you, compromise your position, or even make a spectacle of yourself. Remember that the stars today say "yes" to passion but "no" to sensationalism and exaggerations.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter and in applying square to Mars
Travelling, sport and quarrels! A good day to go out with your partner, to travel with children and young people, to get involved in sport activities, celebrations, award ceremonies and all kinds of pleasant activities and creative ideas. Try not to brag though and fight over your preferences! Channel your passion to the words of encouragement and love you tell people.
You are particularly lucky today if you are Libra, Aquarius or Gemini of the third decan and Leo, Sagittarius or Aries of the first days.
Keep a low profile and don't get blinded by your ego if you are Leo, Scorpio, Taurus or Aquarius of the first days.
Irrespective of sign, Astrology.gr friend, you can enjoy a wonderful Saturday as long as you are open to the embrace of bodies, the taste of a kiss, the pleasure of an open-air cinema and the smells, tastes, sounds, sights and feelings that bring pleasure!
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