What's in the Stars today, August 31?
The Moon in Scorpio brings a silent and deeply emotional charge and at the same time you are intrigued by new experiences and you find the inner strength to close one door and open another...
Moon in Scorpio
August is on its way out and September is getting ready to make an entrance! The month of holidays, heat, love and plenty
Aspects of the Moon
Get your keys and go! Early in the morning you can go on a journey and complete the summer cycle with positive energy. Avoid cramming your luggage because you won't be able to close it, overeating because you'll get bloated and overspending because you'll empty the bank.
Moon sextile Pluto at 09:09
Summer is nearly over but passion isn't! It challenges you to surrender to love and your deep desires, and to allow the summer to leave its mark on your psyche!
Moon conjunct Saturn at 22:09
Last night of August! Contemplate on what the month that ends tonight offered to your heart and visualise without fear but with passion the new week and September that begins tomorrow.
The lucky key is yours if you are Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces and Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn of the second decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can enjoy a wonderful Sunday as long as you keep in mind that you should always look for the bright side of life!
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