What's in the Stars today, August 8?
The day begins with demands, ambitious plans and high standards.
Moon in Capricorn
Raising the bar! The day begins with demands, ambitious plans and high standards. If you use self-discipline and perseverance, not only will you reach the top but you'll also have more possibilities to remain there.
Sun conjunct Mercury and Mercury trine Uranus
Pleasant news,
Mercury in applying square to Saturn
Speech is silver, silence is golden! Today as well as tomorrow discussions, negotiations and contacts with elderly people or people in positions of authority are not favoured. Avoid travelling and discussions about taxation, finances and/or private affairs. You may have to deal with delays, cancellations and official or unpleasant announcements.
Sun in applying trine to Uranus and square to Saturn
Success and closure! These days events and pleasant occurrences that bear the mark of originality will be particularly successful while love at first sight and events that rekindle romance are possible. On the other hand, expect the final curtain for certain people, activities and relationships.
Love is on your side if you are Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus of the second decan or Leo, Sagittarius and Aries of the second decan.
Irrespective of sign, Astrology.gr friend, you can have a wonderful day if you keep in mind that in order to achieve your goals you've got to make the right moves in a systematic way.
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